Campfire has a self-publishing platform as well!?

Here is the link to the site:

I’ve used the site Campfire two years ago, but ended up not sticking with it. I decided to go back when I learned that the site has a self-publishing feature which I heard a bit about, never put too much thought into that.

So, I thought I would check it out to see what is new and more. The last time I was there, I wasn’t able to understand it, that was when my mental health was failing me more than it is now, though nothing has changed on that part.

I logged in again to change things a bit.
Now, I have two places where I can work on my stories, Hive words and Campfire.

I will have issues with sticking with them on a regular basis, but those two options are there for when I need it.

I honestly never thought they would go with the route of self-publishing, then again I am out of the loop on certain things. LOL!

I am not publishing now, I am nowhere near done to do that.
However, I can flesh out my characters and world and even more for my novel projects.

Thoughts and feelings?



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Whatever choice you do, it will cost money. You need to always remember this.


Yeah, I know now.

But Campfire is that last thing I go to for help.

Since the free version is limited in a way.


Never used it… Might look into it for future reference though…


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I’m not crazy about flashy word processors and story-building platforms. I personally don’t find them any more helpful than Docs. I use a wiki for storing info only because it feels cool to click and watch my entries appear. It doesn’t really make a difference to my writing. If anything, it’s extra work.

If I had to choose between publishing on either Campfire or Hive, I’d choose Campfire; I think it’s more popular.

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Where are these types of wikis? Which sites?
Forgive my stupidity.

I think there’s one called World Anvil? or something. I know it costs, but it’s a one-time purchase, and I’ve thought about it in the past, but I do really like my word doc method :stuck_out_tongue:

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Idk about Campfire much. I think I’ve heard about it once because gamer YouTuber talked about it to help them build their gaming world they were trying to create or something. Not entirely sure.

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TiddlyWiki. It’s a free program. Got a bit of a learning curve

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So, you can make wikis there, huh?

I’ll check it out!

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I know NOTHING about Javascript, now I’m unsure.

I did hear about Obsidian, yet never ventured there.

I guess my only two options are Google Docs or writing it down on scrap paper or perhaps both.

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Might I suggest Scrivener? It is the digital version of a ring binder.

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I couldn’t get used to Scrievner/did not vibe with it.

Not trying to force you into Scrivener if you don’t like it, I just find that many people didn’t understand Scrivener the first time they tried it out. It’s pretty robust and customisable, so you can make it any way you like. Even if you just use it for holding notes :slight_smile:

Otherwise, I hope you find something that works! :smiley:

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I do have Hivewords, though it is an on and off thing. There’s also Milanote too.
I might go back to Milanote soon enough.

I understand. It’s just not my thing for some reason.
Can’t explain it.

Rehashing this thread which I didn’t notice before.

I publish on Campfire. I have a few WIPs there and one finished book that’s monetized.

I haven’t invested into any promotion yet, and unsurprisingly, I haven’t made many sales yet. I was planning to work on that once I went wide and published in print but that got delayed because of reasons.

It’s also not a very marketable book so it’s hard to judge the platform on this book’s lack of success.

I need to finish one of my commercial titles to compare how it does.

It’s a new platform so there aren’t a lot of readers yet. I was hoping it would have grown more by now but I guess it’s only been a year since they introduced monetized publishing. A lot more books have been added though so there’s a good choice there for readers. Now, just to get them to come over…

I’m rooting for them to succeed. It’s very easy to publish a book there. Royalties are great. And you can add extras if you have them. These are the character/locations profiles, trivia and whatever you want. I love how much control they give you over your content.

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I wanted to post my Wattpad story on Campfire, the issue is that the story is a draft even though the chapters were edited as I wrote it.

I am unsure, even though I am just posting it there for free first and possibly later profit.

You can publish it as a free story first, and then once you edit it, monetize it.
It might help you get some eyes on it, gather feedback. And also check how you like it as a platform.

One thing to keep in mind is that they’re aiming to be more like Amazon and less like Wattpad. So they’re not ideal if you want to have an ongoing story. With the change they made a few months ago, it’s more of a hassle to push an update to what’s already published.

In short, you need to have an epub file to publish a manuscript. Their writing site has a compiler that will create an epub for you, but it’s a bummer because it used to be much easier. I think by now they’ve received enough complaints about the new process that they’re looking into simplifying it, but there’s no date yet when we’ll see that.

Overall, I’m happy to keep my book there because they’re a unique platform. They make it possible to showcase and even sell bonus content. And overall, it’s a fun community to be a part of. But it’s not a perfect platform, and it’s still young so I won’t stay exclusive.

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It is slightly edited. It just needs more edits because I don’t want this draft to be the final draft as I am still in the first drafting stage.

Really? That is a little sucky. What to do, what to do?

That’s great. Glad to know it is doing something for you!

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