Can Ai write better than John Green?

I gave an ai writer the first line of The Fault in Our Stars and this is what it came up with:

Late in the winter of my seventeenth year, my mother decided I was depressed, presumably because I rarely left the house, spent quite a lot of time in bed, read the same book over and over, ate infrequently, and devoted quite a bit of my abundant free time to thinking about death. “When are you ever going outside?” she demanded one afternoon at the kitchen table. It was spring; her husband had gone away for the weekend with friends; and she could do little more than complain to me about various things she didn’t like: clouds, doctors, noises, colds, bills, my father, shopping, reading books, politics, Nazis, cars, whistles on the Tube (“Do people whistle here or are they just really loud”), and so on. In other words, she thought I’d lost all interest in living.

I pointed out that we were both alive. In the meantime, if it’s not too late to get pregnant, why not? I also assured her that my frequent rereading of Montaigne wasn’t necessarily a sign of depression but rather suggested I might actually be enjoying myself. And so she packed up lunchboxes for us to take to school on Friday afternoons (a weekly ritual throughout our junior and senior years), forbid me from reading anything longer than four hundred pages unless I was particularly eager to, then began taking valium before leaving each morning.

At age seventeen I made it through high school and university by hiding in my room as much as possible, spending hour after hour there because I could barely stomach more than an hour alone anywhere else. Now I lived mostly in front of computers, barely socialized—as she had ordered me never to do—and even surrounded myself with people who talked constantly, interrupting me and asking me questions, picking me apart and poking around in my head until I fled screaming for an hour or two to give them peace and quiet. Oh, and to think I once fancied science, philosophy, history, literature, religion, architecture, painting, and music, thinking someday I might design a grand new civilization in which the powers-that-be looked to these studies to guide future choices. Instead I learned nothing except what I was told to know by underpaid faculty, and then sent forth to receive jobs, income, votes, and honors in exchange for obeying the rest of the rules, since, really, what did life mean anyway? Beyond that, having been shunted into compulsory maturity during my teens and early twenties, I already seemed constitutionally incapable of experiencing that alluring embrace known as “fun” without first being forced to endure excruciating boredom—the kind of boredom with which Middle America can now only envy Europe.

And now here I am, back home again, searching for a purpose that would awaken me from my years of malaise.


Normal: pregnancy right off the highway…


I’ve never read John Green, but this sounds interesting to me. Sad to think we may all be out of a job in the future thanks to AI. Publishers will become even wealthier since they won’t have to pay writers, and all the writers will be homeless and destitute. (╯︵╰,)

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Only if you don’t say you are human


Honestly, I think that’s better than the original. xD

But I’m also just saying that because TFIOS sucks… I believe the movie was better lol.

It’s also ironic that you say that since AI will be like, “Find these streetlights to prove you’re not a robot.” Like really, bro? You’re the robot. :rofl:


This is the site so you can make your own monstrocitiee.


Interestingly, it did read like a book but it lacked direction.

It’s funny how it took that long sentence to heart and decided that all sentences should be long.

In the end, no, it isn’t better than John Green. There was no direction. It was more like brainstorming word dump. I got bored by the second paragraph, skipped the last. But I finished that John Green book and I think that answers the question.


It’s a story about nothing where nothing happens.


I’m giving it a try right now and it’s actually really fun.

I gave it the first sentence. It resulted in this:

Arthur, the rat, was the world’s first time traveler. His adventures have been recorded in a number of books, Arthur, however, thought only rats should be permitted to write the history of man.

A biologist who often read books is not necessarily a normal human being. Yet we must occasionally set aside biological considerations when attempting to understand the behavior of animals, and all too often our behavior influences our attempts at understanding animals. I do so now because two well-known biochemists, Stanley Prusiner and Peter Medawar, invented a unique strain of laboratory mouse which has produced a variety of distinctive results. They call their mutant mouse line the fruitless (litter) mutant; a name chosen by no biological necessity but one that does bear some resemblance to fruitlessness and uselessness. It is not to be disputed that the litter mutant makes an impressive mess, what I prefer to call a litter of embarrassments. The embryos die as early as fourteen days after birth, those born alive go on suffering until they themselves reach their last months or even weeks of life—and then suddenly turn from well into ill with characteristic alacrity.


i mean it’s not good but it’s better than John Green. imo he can’t write for shit.



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It’s true. his teenagers talk and act as if they’re mini adults and are precocious as fuck. he doesn’t seem to know how an actual teenager would talk and act. Also he used soliloqy when he should’ve used monologue in fault in our stars. But yeah all his characters act like they’ve just finished a Philosophy 101 course and are now misquoting Nietchze’s ‘god is dead’ belief.


Truly enlightened teenagers quote Zeno of Elea

Or they totally misunderstand that Machevilli’s works were telling people what not to do, not that what he’s written in the prince is the right way to rule.

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i dont know much about john green but what i do know is that that ai is a poet