Mood boards, yes. If it’s about a mod, maybe it’ll be a mod board
I loooove the looks of your world
So, have you figured out how the sky lands stay in the sky?
I can’t decide between either magic or technology or a mixture of both.
Seriously, I can not decide. LOL!
Lol my spell check is trifling. I tried to write aesthetic earlier and my keyboard autocorrected it to anesthetic xD.
Oh no! XD Not that!
Yep . I have many funny mishaps.
You’re not the only one
I have had “lift-threatening weapons” in a story once Also “he shot steaks of light from his hands”
and “put them in his spocket”
There’s a fun thread idea - wildest typos lol.
Qualeshia, write that down! WRITE THAT DOWN!
got it noted
it’s now a character name’s it’s teapot-headed lady who’s a meter tall
Omg okay different xD. What’s with the head?
Omg wait the facial expression is so creative!!!
uh thanks? I htought there was no face but now I see it
omg I thought it was purposeful.
everything but that was I even have her whole backstory written out, her fears, desires, etc, but that wasn’t part of it
happy little accidents - bob ross would be proud