Does anyone make character themed playlists? Are they things your character would listen to? Songs related to the story? Or songs that remind you of your character? Feel free to share playlists or a song! Bonus points if you can tell me why you picked it!
I want to make one for my current project because I just found two from an older story I was working on. Still love them. Mostly, they’re songs they’d listen to but are few just remind me of them. Got the idea because they both like goth and darker music and they bond over it a lot in the story but ended up being really fun.
Honestly, I tried to do this years ago and never liked doing it.
So, I haven’t done it since that time. I can respect writers who do this sort of thing.
Though I don’t and I believe it is because I didn’t know my characters enough to pull it off. Another thing is that Alagossian music is dimensions different from the music on Earth and I like to keep Alagossia alien from what Earth is like.