I only know a few obvious ones but there might be unsaid rules?
Any ideas are welcome
SPECIFICALLY FOR THE FORUMS (Given by the creator of this very forum o.o)
- Posts MUST have content (Otherwise isn’t possible anymore)
- No loooooong posts made with the padding element in spans (Imagine scrolling to what seems like no end…)
Gathered from time on two forums and reading some guides online
- Code with your viewers in mind.
- Try to make posts that are easy on the eye and visible. (Colour palettes will help)
This might not be easy on the eye.
The words: This might not be easy on the eye.
Note: Also remember light and dark mode exists. What may look nice on dark might not on light. I messed up too often because I forgot about light’s existence.
Using inspect on elements is totally okay for checking mobile responsiveness but what is not okay? Stealing code (going into someone’s code using this method and copying what they created). Think of it this way…coding is like writing and spans are pieces of artwork. It’s not okay to plagiarize in literature and it’s not okay to trace in art, passing these things as original creations.
Coders spend time to either plan, write, adjust and debug/fix their code
I know some do all four with varying time spent. Some code can take up to several hours until the creator feels ready to show it so do not steal. If you wish to learn something, do not be sneaky and ask them. I can’t speak for all coders here but I know I would rather be asked than find someone took the code that caused me to pull out seven white hairs. Maybe this should be the first point…hmm. -
Of course, everyone has the right to keep their secrets so please respect the person no matter what the answer is. There will be others who can help. Many coders will be excited to guide or teach what they know.
In the case of a post that looks off (mobile responsiveness/cut off post, text that is difficult to read, cannot be seen on current mode, etc.), a screenshot or private message will suffice. Most coders will appreciate help from others if their code cannot be enjoyed but as always, remember to be polite when sending the screenshot or message. If you are unsure whether they welcome advice/pointing out errors, perhaps reach out to them before sending unsolicited messages.
Believe it or not, everyone has their own aesthetic taste and their own coding style. If a post does not look good to you, it is best to avoid commenting unless the issue found is critical (refer to summary of #1).