Desert Desserts - Group Editing

@EKShortstories || Sent Chapter 9 | Completed Chapter 13
@TMinx804 || Sent Chapter 9 | Completed Chapter 8

Everyone was so quick this week haha.

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We can do 2 this, I was so bored afterwards LOLOL. But we can send the next chapters after we read what’s sent in case we over estimate our schedules :joy:

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I should be able to get the two sent to me tomorrow morning. :slight_smile: I was kind of bored too, missing the big group with lots of people.

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I’m all caught up with the chapters for the week. Let me know if you two are ready/want to do a second round this week as well.

Completed @Vintaginity and @TMinx804 sent chapters! I can send the next one if either of you are interested :slight_smile:

Yep, im ready, send it. :slight_smile:

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Yay!! Same and sent :slight_smile:

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Sent as well! :slight_smile:

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Curious, is anyone on TikTok??

Im not haha just instagram/facebook/twitter. :see_no_evil: im accepting im old and not starting any new social medias lmfao.


I am, but only to watch content, not to make videos. I’m too old for that lol. I do think as I get to the point where I am publishing my books (if I make it that far) TikTok might be very useful to sell them

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I also wanted to ask. In my novel, is anyone else having a difficult time with the parts in italics? another critique partner seems very confused by what they are. she seems to really like flashbacks. They are not flashbacks, they are intended to be told to Monica. I guess I put them in italics because they are very vivid memories of importance to Lola. Kind of like someone telling you about their day and then there is this really exciting drama filled part! But, just wondering if that style is bothering anyone else or if it seems confusing or just not good.

@Vintaginity | Completed Chapter 10 | Completed x2
@TMinx804 | Completed | Completed x2
@KnightofEmpires | Received Chapter 11 - 12 | Completed 11/finishing Chapter 12

I see how she could think they’re flashbacks, as some stories italicize to tell a backstory. However, in your case, it’s Lola telling a memory to Monica. The only other way I could see you doing it differently, is just having breaks where Lola states or it’s told that she’s retelling a story. Example:

Lola then drifted off back into her memories…
Lola paused, took a breath, and continued…

The chapter lengths are fine, so starting a separate chapter just for her to explain her story doesn’t look like it’d work - same with making a page break. So, italics have worked so far or you can use character breaks :slight_smile:

AND KNIGHTY IS BACK!!! Sorry for the delay! Went to the Calgary Stampede to see Kevin- hehe and rest of Alberta for family and when I got home took a cold with us and have been recovering since. But I am back and have sent off some more Blood & Cinders! -It get rought from here on out and I mean that in more ways than one. I wrote this story in a rushed feaver and it could use some fleshing so please feel free to point out where and what.

@EKShortstories || SendingChapter 11 &12 | Completed Chapter 14
@Vintaginity || Sending Chapter 11 &12 | Completed Chapter 8
@TMinx804 || Sent Chapter 1-10 | Completed Chapter 7- recived 6 and 8… would like 1-5 if you have it!


sure, I’ll resend! It is just chapter 1 that I broke up because it was super long. But I will resend in case you wanted to peek at it again.

Yay! We are so excited to have you back! :slight_smile: And no worries, life gets busy and that seems like a lot was going on. I hope you enjoyed your time even if you still got sick. :slight_smile: I’ll share a few chapters with you so you can get caught up to everyone else. No rush on them of course. :slight_smile:

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I haven’t had any issues with the parts in italics, the only thing that’s make me somewhat confused is the titles that are above them. I don’t see how that part fits into the story, but it doesn’t bother me enough to even make a comment on it normally if you hadn’t asked. :see_no_evil: :joy:

The Crew:
@Vintaginity (chapter 11)
@EKShortstories (Chapter 14)
@TMinx804 (Chapter 10) -
@KnightofEmpires (Chapter 11 -12) -

If you know anyone interested in joining, please send them a link to this thread. :slight_smile:

Hiatus due to inactivity:

^Those on Hiatus are welcome and encouraged to join any week. I just don’t want to stress you out with too many chapters to catch up on. There’s no time limit on the hiatus as everyone is always welcome.