Desert Desserts - Group Editing

lol will do!

Yeah! Congrats!! :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada:

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So yeah, I’m late on everything! Sorry about that! I just had another gallblader episode and I had to fight with the physician at the hospital. He was convince that I had the flu :roll_eyes: Anyway. Much fun.

@Vintaginity I wish you a safe and wonderful delivery! It’s funny how the body work. You are scared and worried at the beginning, you stressed about the delivery, but when you hit that 37 weeks… damn you want this baby out no matter what XD.
I like Hallie for a girl, it sounds calm :herb:
Does Cru have a meaning for you and your husband? Or a origin?

@KnightofEmpires Perfect, I’ll get into that one :slight_smile:


That is amazing!!! Congrats so happy for you! That is super exciting!! Get it girl! :tada: :partying_face: :tada: :partying_face:

Oh noooo I hope you are recovering now! That sucks! Feel better and get lots of rest!!! <3

It’s the main character in a movie from the 80’s called Rad. One of my dad and I’s favorites. :slight_smile: It’s just always stuck for me throughout my life so I knew if I had a boy his name would be Cru. My husband shockingly loved it just as much as I did, even thought he likes more common and simple names XD. So that would have been the name for our first baby, but we ended up having a girl and went with the name Kennedy.

I’m so sorry to hear you are dealing with gall bladder attacks! That’s never any fun and ugh, doctors are the most annoying. It seems like they just don’t care most the time! I hope you can get the rest that you need to recover from that!

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Thank you everyone!! Just keep your fingers crossed we don’t have a leap day baby, and that baby sticks out until Sunday when my momma can get here! :slight_smile: We leave to go camping tomorrow morning which I know is insane, but oh well.

Family situations are always so hard! I’m sad to hear that others here in this group have had similar experiences. Why does it always seem to work out that way? Update though, I finally got the smallest amount of acknowledgement today from my in-laws. My mother in law asked my 3 year old “How’s mommy doing?” (Even though I was sitting right there.) and when my 3 year old, looked at me and said good, my mother in law said “Great, are you ready for your books?” Like thanks for caring lmfao.

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Feel better! A friend of mine is going through gallbladder issues too. They have to remove hers but she got pancreatitis from it and now they have to wait until that goes away. In the meantime she is losing hair, throwing up her meals and in pain. I hope you can get yours resolved soon. <3

I love the name Kennedy. It’s actually on my list of saved names for a character one day lol.
I thought Cru was maybe inspired by the Gaines from Fixxer Upper. Their little guy is named Crew.

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Your in laws will come around, hopefully. If not, it will be their loss. Sad but necessary sometimes. It’s hard to cut out the negative people but it’s worth your peace.

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Ive never seen that show haha :joy: nope, just a name thats stuck around for me forever haha. :joy:

At this point i dont want them to come around. After 7 years of back and forth, id rather just be done. I dont play these games. They would be real shocked if I started speaking how I want to.

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Happy update though! Its officially March 1st, and IM STILL PREGNANT! I was ao scared of having a leap day baby but we made it through one “nightmare” now to make it til Sunday morning when my momma gets here. :slight_smile:

Going camping at 38+ weeks pregnant has been such an interesting expierence to say the least, but im SO GLAD we did. Everyone thinks we are crazy (we are only an hour away from home) but we had to test the motorhome since we will be taking a big trip in April when baby is about a month old. :sweat_smile:


Im confused with this response? :sweat_smile:


I just wanted to add levity to the atmosphere. No I am not on acid.

Also certain species of lemurs look like babies already so…

Desert Desserts (6)

- The Desserts -

User || Book || Chapter # || Email ||

@Vintaginity || Wedding Bells || 01 ||

@TMinx804 || Devil’s Highway || 12 ||


|| Come Away With Me || 11 ||

@CarlaBlack || Ornella’s Fable || 57 ||

@akaiItachi || Spells || 29 ||

@Halfley || Awaiting Story || 0 || This text will be blurred

- The Deserts -

Please do not send chapters to those on Hiatus unless asked to do so. Members in a catch up status will stay there until asked to be removed or once it has been more than 60 days since their last response. Members on a Not Responsive status will be removed after 3 weeks of being on the hiatus tab, and are welcome to rejoin when they want.

@Shea || Throne of Misery || 25 || Hiatus ||

@KnightofEmpires || Midnight Lotus || Hiatus ||

- Brittani’s Tracking -

@TMinx804 || Come Away With Me || 20 || 20 ||

|| Lavender Hall || 21 || 14 ||

@CarlaBlack || The White Forest (4th Draft) || 9 || 1 ||

@KnightofEmpires || Midnight Lotus|| 9 || 9

|| All These Wicked Lies || 1 || 1

@akaiItachi || Spells || 32 || 32 ||

@Halfley || Awaiting Story || 0 || 0 ||

@Shea || Throne Of Misery || 25 || 25 ||

Myself || Cake Toppers || 21 || 2 ||

|| Erin’s Mistakes || 25 || 0 ||

|| Wedding Bells || 1 || 0 ||

User || Book || Chapters Posted || Last Chapter Read ||

- Comments -

Happy Sunday! Weve been stuck in the park and wait for an hour, but my mom made it before we had a baby! I didnt get everything all caught up, but I definatly got a bunch of work done on stories. Hopeful to keep up the progress.

:waning_crescent_moon: Tiffani :waxing_crescent_moon:

@Vintaginity - Erin’s Mistakes complete

@KnightofEmpires - Wolf & Hood 13 // 1

- Midnight Lotus 9 // 9

-All These Wicked Lies 1 // 0

@Shea - Throne of Misery 25 // 25

@CarlaBlack - Ornella’s Fable 10 // 1

@akaiItachi - Spells 32 // 26


Done with changing the tense on all but one chapter of 12 Things. Then I need to go back through it and add more thought and emotion. I finally got the word count up on that one and now I’ve cut it back down lol. But I have vacation this week so I’ll have plenty of free time fo that
@Vintaginity I’ll need your next book please

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:wolf: Carla’s tracking :wolf:

My story: The White Forest - 4th draft, Chapter 1 to 9

To read:
@Vintaginity - Wedding Bells - Chapter 1
@KnightofEmpires - Midnight Lotus - Chapter 6
@KnightofEmpires - Wold And Hood 2nd draft - Chapter 1
@TMinx804 - Devil’s Highway - Chapter 4

Currently on chapter 14 on the 4th draft and I’m changing a lot of things, hopefully for the best.
@KnightofEmpires I will start The right thing to do right after I finish Gothikana from Runyx. This was a impulse buy at the libray. I was scrolling in the tiny section of english book and I pick that one because the cover was really pretty and the side page were purple. I opened it and the first line i read was ‘‘But my dick is bigger then his.’’ SOLD! :rofl:
I’m having a hard time get into it tho, it feels like i’m read the Wednesday Adams series. We’ll see, it’s suppose to be a erotic dark romance. :sunglasses:
@Vintaginity finger cross for your birth! :tada:

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