Desert Desserts - Group Editing

- :clinking_glasses:Knightlys Tracking List :clinking_glasses: -

My Stories:
:crescent_moon:Wolf & Hood-60 chaps complete
:white_flower:Midnight Lotus- 9 chaps - ongoing- possibly updating soon
:dragon_face: All These Wicked Hearts- Chap 2 available for any one that wants to read. Would like feedback on concept and initial interest to determine if I keep running with it.

Group Stories:

:ring:*@Vintaginity || Wedding Bells || 1|| 1- Waiting on new

:smiling_imp:*@TMinx804 || The Devils Highway || 10 || 2 ||
Come Away With Me || 10 || 0 ||Recieved
Lavender Hall || 10 || 0 ||Recieved

:wolf:*@CarlaBlack || Ornella’s Fable || 50 || 24- Finishing up.

:full_moon:*@Shea || Throne of Misery || 24 || 24-waiting on new- hiatus

:sparkler:*@akaiItachi || Spells || 32 || 27 ||

:love_letter:*@Halfley ||1 ||1||- Waiting on

:curly_loop:*@MargTheCoffeeAddict || Atomic Hearts || 3|| 3 ||- waiting on new

User || Book || Chapters Posted || Last Chapter Read ||

- Comments -

Hey all! I got nothing done this week writing or editing- again work just keeps piling up. I am carving out time today though to get to some of your works. Applogies it’s just been a ride. >.<

:waning_crescent_moon: Tiffani :waxing_crescent_moon:

@Vintaginity - Erin’s Mistakes 25 // 22
@KnightofEmpires - Wolf & Hood- complete
- Midnight Lotus 9 // 9
-All These Wicked Lies 1 // 0
@Shea - Throne of Misery- 25 // 25
@CarlaBlack - Ornella’s Fable- 10 // 1
@akaiItachi - Spells- 32 // 26


Finished Lavender Hall. Now onto reworking 12 Things. I need a new title, which I suck at titles. I also need to decide if I want to do this one in 1st person. I’m liking that a lot lately and feel it’s easier to get more thought and emotion into the story.

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Desert Desserts (6)

- The Desserts -

User || Book || Chapter # || Email ||

@Vintaginity || Erin’s Mistakes || 21 ||

@TMinx804 || Devil’s Highway || 10 ||


|| Come Away With Me || 9 ||

@CarlaBlack || Ornella’s Fable || 56 ||

@akaiItachi || Spells || 29 ||

@Halfley || Awaiting Story || 0 || This text will be blurred

@KnightofEmpires || Midnight Lotus || 5 ||

- The Deserts -

Please do not send chapters to those on Hiatus unless asked to do so. Members in a catch up status will stay there until asked to be removed or once it has been more than 60 days since their last response. Members on a Not Responsive status will be removed after 3 weeks of being on the hiatus tab, and are welcome to rejoin when they want.

@Shea || Throne of Misery || 25 || Hiatus ||

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- Brittani’s Tracking -

@TMinx804 || Come Away With Me || 10 || 10 ||

|| Lavender Hall || 10 || 10 ||

@CarlaBlack || The White Forest (4th Draft) || 9 || 1 ||

@KnightofEmpires || Midnight Lotus|| 9 || 9

|| All These Wicked Lies || 1 || 1

@akaiItachi || Spells || 32 || 24 ||

@Halfley || Awaiting Story || 0 || 0 ||

@Shea || Throne Of Misery || 24 || 23 ||

Myself || Cake Toppers || 21 || 0 ||

|| Erin’s Mistakes || 25 || 0 ||

|| Wedding Bells || 1 || 0 ||

User || Book || Chapters Posted || Last Chapter Read ||

- Comments -

It’s Sunday once again! Another week another chance to make more progress. :slight_smile: I’ve been able to make some progress this week, so hopefully I can keep that up this upcoming week. Countdown is to be caught up by March 4th now, as that’s when my momma has her flight booked. Just gotta keep this baby in until then and rest and continue to deep clean and get all settled and caught up on things. Best wishes to everyone on another wonderful week!


Hi! I definitely want to know what you’re using! Anything that can help me get to writing this faster, is more than welcome! I really want to write this. I have dedicated a thick notebook to this story, A4 in size and while the “prime goddess” name is sounding more ancient, the royal family is sounding more posh and contemporary. I could use a goddess’ name option for the aunt, now that I look at the page. But I do want to change the Uncle’s name. Maximillian sounds too on the nose for me to be evil. I could shorten it to Max, because maybe even his brother, the king, thought his parents were evil for giving his brother such a name. I don’t know. But it sounds too long to me. A good alternative could be Maxwell. Maxwell and Graham Carlysle. Doesn’t sound royal but it sounds old. Vampires to me always sounded eternal and usually were stuck with the names they were born with during the time period they got bitten or born. Because this family is biologically vampiric. So none of them got turned into one.

The evil fae prince/king is named Lorcan. Lorcan Wraith and Sabree Carlysle. Hmmm… The more I see those names together, the more I like the thought of this couple.

Guys, I was offered a job today at my local hospital network as a therapist!! Just came here to celebrate :dancer: :tada: :heart:

I hope everyone else is having a great start to their spring!!


Whoo!! Thats amazing! Congratulations on that! 🩷🩷

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congrats!!! :smiley:

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Desert Desserts (6)

- The Desserts -

User || Book || Chapter # || Email ||

@Vintaginity || Erin’s Mistakes || 22 ||

@TMinx804 || Devil’s Highway || 11 ||


|| Come Away With Me || 10 ||

@CarlaBlack || Ornella’s Fable || 56 ||

@akaiItachi || Spells || 29 ||

@Halfley || Awaiting Story || 0 || This text will be blurred

@KnightofEmpires || Midnight Lotus || 6 ||

- The Deserts -

Please do not send chapters to those on Hiatus unless asked to do so. Members in a catch up status will stay there until asked to be removed or once it has been more than 60 days since their last response. Members on a Not Responsive status will be removed after 3 weeks of being on the hiatus tab, and are welcome to rejoin when they want.

@Shea || Throne of Misery || 25 || Hiatus ||

- Brittani’s Tracking -

@TMinx804 || Come Away With Me || 20 || 15 ||

|| Lavender Hall || 21 || 10 ||

@CarlaBlack || The White Forest (4th Draft) || 9 || 1 ||

@KnightofEmpires || Midnight Lotus|| 9 || 9

|| All These Wicked Lies || 1 || 1

@akaiItachi || Spells || 32 || 32 ||

@Halfley || Awaiting Story || 0 || 0 ||

@Shea || Throne Of Misery || 25 || 25 ||

Myself || Cake Toppers || 21 || 0 ||

|| Erin’s Mistakes || 25 || 0 ||

|| Wedding Bells || 1 || 0 ||

User || Book || Chapters Posted || Last Chapter Read ||

- Comments -

Wowzer! I am defiantly in the point of pregnancy where everything over stimulates the crap out of me and I can’t stand my dogs and every little noise they make. They should make doggy daycares that are just for pregnant woman and it boards your dogs for not a ridiculous price for the month before labor and a month after labor until the hormones can work their way out of your system, because I want nothing more than for them to just go away for a little bit. Ugh gotta love the hormones. Plus a toddler and a husband on top of all of that. There’s not enough rooms in this house! Next time we buy a house I refuse to go below 2000 sqft because mentally I just need more space than that. This is all a ridiculous rant, but this last week has been rough with the overstimulation and such. Hopefully it will be better here in the upcoming weeks, but with how I’m feeling about these dogs (who are very good dogs normally, but I’m at the point where I want them to not even look at me XD ) I don’t think I’m going to get any less overstimulated or a break. Hopefully things are better when my momma gets here. Our whole world is revolving around the countdown to my mom.

Anyways, since none of that is important. I made some decent progress on some of the stories and will continue to work through those in the next week or so. :slight_smile: Hope everyone else is having a much better week than me and that Monday isn’t too bad.


:waning_crescent_moon: Tiffani :waxing_crescent_moon:

@Vintaginity - Erin’s Mistakes 25 // 23

@KnightofEmpires - Wolf & Hood 13 //

- Midnight Lotus 9 // 9

-All These Wicked Lies 1 // 0

@Shea - Throne of Misery 25 // 25

@CarlaBlack - Ornella’s Fable 10 // 1

@akaiItachi - Spells 32 // 26


Very unproductive week for me. Over the next 2 weeks though I am using up 60 hours of vacation time before giving my 2 weeks at work and I plan to catch up on editing and writing.


I’m sorry you’re feeling overstimulated. It’s so hard to take time off for yourself when others depend on you. Hopefully you can rest more when your mom gets there!

Are you almost ready though? Do you have some names picked out?


I forgot to ask if you wanted editing on the last doc for Wolf and Hood 31-40? Or do you want me to start on the new one you sent for 1-13?

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It’s so crazy how the hormones can affect you. Plus all the drama with the In-laws. I’m really hating my in-laws and my dogs right now. I know once the hormones settle it won’t be such a big deal, also i’m getting to the point where my in-laws can’t hurt me anymore on their lack of giving a shit and I’m about ready to just cut them out of both of my kids lives because I won’t sit back and watch them play favorites with all the other grandkids anymore. Why does my kid have to have a scheduled call once a week that’s barely 10 minutes and if we miss it we miss it, but all the other kids get calls throughout the day or randomly? It’s ridiculous. I think right now I just have a lot to vent about that my husband and mom are really sick of hearing XD. I’m just glad my husband is on the same page as me with his family and I’m not putting a wedge there or anything. He’s more frustrated with them than I am. Oh well, we will see how mad they get when they don’t hear from us when we actually have the baby, they will find out on facebook like the rest of everyone else. So mad we decided to tell them the gender early when we’ve kept that a secret from everyone else. I felt bad that my parents knew because they are the ones that found out for us so we could have a surprise gender reveal as an immediate family so I opted to tell his parents and damn do I regret giving them that little bit of info.

Crazy that those two things can drive someone so insane, because my husband and my toddler, I couldn’t be more in love with both of them. You’d think the toddler would be the thing I’d be the most burnt out on or exhausted with, but nope, not one bit. I could sit and cuddle/play with that little girl for eternity.

We are almost ready, just trying to figure out what to pack in my hospital bag since I forgot that was a thing people were supposed to do. The hospital bag and the postpartum care stuff. I ordered the last of the baby stuff we needed for a newborn today and will get things as they become needed. Except diapers. I never stocked up on diapers this time and waiting until my husband’s next paycheck to get a box of those. But overall my body is ready, this pregnancy was rough and my husband and I were talking about that a couple of nights ago, how different and how much harder this one was compared to my daughter. I’m ready to be able to work out again (I’ve maintained weight lifting throughout and have one more week until I’m officially on rest. This last week is a deload week though so shouldnt be too bad/hard) I’m ready to be able to sleep again, and stop having so many labor symptoms XD. Things should be good once we get there. Only a few more weeks.

We picked out Cru for a boy and Hallie for a girl. :slight_smile:

Sorry once again for the novel! So much to get off my chest and I’ve always been an oversharer. XD


No worries! We’re here to support each other :slight_smile:

Those are really cute names. And I don’t blame you one bit for being frustrated. Favoritism will tear a family apart so fast. My family is like that as well. My grandmother did it and my mom used to get so mad, And now she does it with her own grandkids. I have 2 boys and my sister has a girl and a boy and my mom heavily favors the girl. I’ve brought it up and my mom is in complete denial and it turns into a huge fight, so I’ve learned to just leave it be. I do my own thing and I don’t expect anything from anyone in my family. I enjoy the people who are a support to me and the others…well…their own ugliness gets them in the end. They reap what they sow, right?
I’m VERY cognizant about how I treat my own kids though. I do the same for both. Of course there are going to be individualized needs but I help them both about the same with things. Gotta break that generational cycle!

Hang in there, and gets lots of self care. :heart:


I love the name Lorcan! Here is my typical go to packet when I start a new story. Please do not reshare as I have a ‘paid’ course book in there. I will use either the three act story outline or 24 chap (not both) or not at all lol. I mainly use the world building and character sheet as needed and place story dribble from my phone notes into the black doc listed to keep on hand and will break sections 1-10 for chapters when writting. Let me know if you have any questions
@everyone Please feel free to use if helpful to your process. :slight_smile:

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Honestly I get it anytime you need to rant we are here for you! <3 Life can get crazy and had some in law drama in the past too. It is so hard with kids also cause they just don’t need to get cauight up in that shit and my hubs very teritorial with the kido’s as well. We are going through it right now too with my parents as they age and become more …needy. And moving and it’s all good things… just mentally a lot with work and other shit going on. So you feel free to rant anytime you like! Also yes I am just getting back to the gym too and have missed my weights hehe. <3 Would love tips if you have any!
I will likely be a ghost for the rest of this month and March as a heads up if you need to put me on hiatus and will just keep trying to plug away at my own pace.

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- :clinking_glasses:Knightlys Tracking List :clinking_glasses: -

My Stories:
:crescent_moon:Wolf & Hood-60 chaps complete
:white_flower:Midnight Lotus- 9 chaps - ongoing- possibly updating soon
:dragon_face: All These Wicked Hearts- Chap 2 available for any one that wants to read. Would like feedback on concept and initial interest to determine if I keep running with it.

Group Stories:

:ring:*@Vintaginity || Wedding Bells || 1|| 1- Waiting on new

:smiling_imp:*@TMinx804 || The Devils Highway || 10 || 2 ||
Come Away With Me || 10 || 0 ||Recieved
Lavender Hall || 10 || 0 ||Recieved

:wolf:*@CarlaBlack || Ornella’s Fable || 50 || 24- Finishing up.

:full_moon:*@Shea || Throne of Misery || 24 || 24-waiting on new- hiatus

:sparkler:*@akaiItachi || Spells || 32 || 27 ||

:love_letter:*@Halfley ||1 ||1||- Waiting on

:curly_loop:*@MargTheCoffeeAddict || Atomic Hearts || 3|| 3 ||- waiting on new

User || Book || Chapters Posted || Last Chapter Read ||

- Comments -

Hey all! I got nothing done this week writing or editing- again- it’s just chaos here. I keep thiunking I can be wonderwoman only to let myself down every week. Over taxing myself seems to be a common theme lol. I will be on ‘soft hiatus’ i guess for the whole month of march AKA I’ll get to what I can but can;t commit to a schedual at this point. Sorry in advance and really hoping for some vaca time in April. And @Vintaginity wishing you a safe and easy delivery! You are almost there! <3

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I sent 1-13? I know I sent the first chapter of the second draft but i sent you something else? At this point I’ll leave it up to you I am rewriting the first 1-10 section for second draft and have up to vhapter two done if you would rather the second draft or finish the first. You are half way as I tecnically have two books in one haha it’s 60 chaps. So will leave it up to you but @CarlaBlack if you wouldn’t mind just commenting on the second draft I sent as you have just started that would be super helpful! :slight_smile:

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:rofl: yes. You sent me both the second draft docs. One has Chtrs 1 and 2. The other has 1-13. If you want me to remove myself from access to the 1-13 one that’s fine. I’ll just start on draft 2. Hope life gets easier in the next few weeks. :heart:

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