Desert Desserts - Group Editing

Desert Desserts (6)

- The Desserts -

User || Book || Chapter # || Email ||

@Vintaginity || Erin’s Mistakes || 19 ||

@TMinx804 || Devil’s Highway || 8 ||


|| Come Away With Me || 7 ||

@CarlaBlack || Ornella’s Fable || 54 ||

@akaiItachi || Spells || 28 ||

@Halfley || Awaiting Story || 0 || This text will be blurred

@KnightofEmpires || Midnight Lotus || 3 ||

- The Deserts -

Please do not send chapters to those on Hiatus unless asked to do so. Members in a catch up status will stay there until asked to be removed or once it has been more than 60 days since their last response. Members on a Not Responsive status will be removed after 3 weeks of being on the hiatus tab, and are welcome to rejoin when they want.

@Shea || Throne of Misery || 25 || Hiatus ||

- Brittani’s Tracking -

@TMinx804 || Come Away With Me || 10 || 2 ||

|| Lavender Hall || 10 || 0 ||

@CarlaBlack || Awaiting New Story ||

@KnightofEmpires || Midnight Lotus|| 9 || 9

|| All These Wicked Lies || 1 || 1

@akaiItachi || Spells || 32 || 24 ||

@Halfley || Awaiting Story || 0 || 0 ||

@Shea || Throne Of Misery || 24 || 23 ||

Myself || Cake Toppers || 21 || 0 ||

|| Erin’s Mistakes || 25 || 0 ||

|| Wedding Bells || 1 || 0 ||

User || Book || Chapters Posted || Last Chapter Read ||

- Comments -

Phew! Last week was rough, but we are on to a new one and hopefully a much easier month ahead. I know each week I keep saying I’ll be catching up soon. My goal is to be able to sit down and get fully caught up by the time my mother comes to stay with us for baby watch. (Around March 1st) So if anyone has any updated documents to send me please do so! I’ll be doing a clean out of my google drive as well. With this goal, I’d also like to work on getting my stories cleaned up too. Meaning finally taking the time to go through and read/fix the comments that y’all have suggested. That will be secondary, but hopefully I will be able to get that done as well. We are starting to get ahead on our video editing so it feels easier to be able to sit down and dedicate some time to reading. (I still need to finish reading my birthing books in prep for labor and wow I feel so behind this pregnancy) I’m behind on everything in life right now and just trying to survive lmfao. But things are looking good.

I know a few of you have updated drafts and new versions and such, PLEASE do send me all of those! I’d love to read the new versions of things, the updated versions of things and everything in between. :slight_smile:


- :clinking_glasses:Knightlys Tracking List :clinking_glasses: -

My Stories:
:crescent_moon:Wolf & Hood-60 chaps complete
:white_flower:Midnight Lotus- 9 chaps - ongoing- possibly updating soon
:dragon_face: All These Wicked Hearts- Chap 2 available for any one that wants to read. Would like feedback on concept and initial interest to determine if I keep running with it.

Group Stories:

:ring:*@Vintaginity || Wedding Bells || 1|| 1- Waiting on new

:smiling_imp:*@TMinx804 || The Devils Highway || 10 || 2 ||
Come Away With Me || 10 || 0 ||Recieved
Lavender Hall || 10 || 0 ||Recieved

:wolf:*@CarlaBlack || Ornella’s Fable || 50 || 24- Finishing up.

:full_moon:*@Shea || Throne of Misery || 24 || 24-waiting on new- hiatus

:sparkler:*@akaiItachi || Spells || 32 || 27 ||

:love_letter:*@Halfley ||1 ||1||- Waiting on

:curly_loop:*@MargTheCoffeeAddict || Atomic Hearts || 3|| 3 ||- waiting on new

User || Book || Chapters Posted || Last Chapter Read ||

- Comments -

Hey all! I got nothing done this week writing or editing or even reading wise I have been SOOO busy with work and hoping I get a breather the later half of this week. Also packing as we are moving start of March- so much happening! @TMinx804 I’m sending you the Second Draft first chapter of Wolf & Hood tonight- sorry I forgot! Also have a new chapter up for All These Wicked Hearts that I will post tonight after work. @CarlaBlack let me know if you want me to read the newest draft instead of the rest of your earlier draft and I will switch for you.:slight_smile:

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I’m the same! I’m soo so bad at editing it’s like going to the dentist- I hate it I just wanna work on more WIP’s but I know it needs to be done in order to finally finish lol.

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My pleasure, and if you want me to read your 3rd person POV instead let me know and I will go through that instead of the other version for you. :slight_smile: I will try and do a 3rd person test for mine as well when I get the time to write lol.

Okay Dramione time!- sorry just need a second to gush cause never ever thought I would be into FF, but here we are lol. I read Breath Mints/ Battle Scars right after Manacled which was a little more drama and well written. Then read All You Want - also by Senlinyu (it’s just smut with a plot and it filled my dirty heart lol. Loved it!). Currently finishing Remain Nameless (very cute) but I pause it to DEVOUR Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love. (MOBIL)… I think I like it as much, if not more than Manacled, and I don’t say that lightly! But I have never laughed so hard in my life. The banter was god teir!I hear the author of the story got picked up by the same editor who works with romance writer Ali Hazelwood- so you know she good. 100% I would read that one next I promise it won’t disappoint! But if you want more Managled vibes I recommended The Auction by Lovebitca8 ( I was told though to read in order and start with her first book The Right Thing To Do.) Please let me know if you read the MOBIL so I can gush to someone lol.

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I’m close to finishing Lavender Hall and FINALLY in the mood to go back and edit my earliest books. I’m craving more of Lola lately so I’m going to start with 12 Things. But I really struggle with DOTM. I feel like there’s way too many POV to ever be considered by an editor, but I really think if I only write it from one POV it will lose so much. I’ve been trying to think of a way to rework that book for months and I am so stumped.

OKAY UPDATE @CarlaBlack (Dramione rant- ignore if not intrested) I INHALED “The Right Thing to Do” and am going to read the companion piece before jumping to The Auction by Lovebitca8- This woman knows how to write smut and tension and the slow burn and I sacrificed sleep these last few nights to finish but SO worth it… I’m now in the admittance stage that I have a problem… and clearly a type.

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Amazing! You are flying through these! I must admit Lola and Helena are two of my FAV charaters. And it has been a treat to waltz through their lives if there is anything you want me to re-read just let me know! I will be more free after March when we are finally settled in our new home and work will hopefully have slowed a bit and I can get back into things.

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@Vintaginity @TMinx804 Just sent the updated chap of Wolf & Hood- I liieedd I totally spaced and forgot to send before.

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I’ll add you to the new document!

I won’t force you to continue the 3rd draft haha! I can’t believe how cringe it is :rofl:

I was hangover with Manacled that I didn’t wanted to read anither FF for a while lol. But I heard very good reviews about Drago Malfor and the ordeal, I think I’ll give it a try!
I just started The Right thing to do! :grinning:

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I’ll definitely be resending 12 things when I get to editing it. As for Helena, that book is in the hands of a developmental editor right now so we shall see how that goes.

I love those girls too. I do love a good villain I guess. :slight_smile:

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I haven’t given an update in a while. I’m working on my ‘one true novel idea’ again. So, I wanted to give you guys some more info on it. I’ll be putting it all in a Google Document soon, for easier commenting and stuff, but for now you can find the information and brainstorming here.

As for reading your stories, I haven’t gotten around to it… I’m sorry!

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:snowflake: Tiffani :snowflake:

@Vintaginity - Erin’s Mistakes 25 // 21
@KnightofEmpires - Wolf & Hood- 30 // 29
- Midnight Lotus 9 // 9
-All These Wicked Lies 1 // 0
@Shea - Throne of Misery- 25 // 25
@CarlaBlack - Ornella’s Fable- waiting for new draft
@akaiItachi - Spells- 32 // 26

Spells: Edited and posted till chapter 12 on Wattpad.
Devil’s Highway : Chapter 13 Done
Midnight Lotus : Chapter 4 Done.
Cake Toppers: Chapter 3 Done.

Desert Desserts (6)

- The Desserts -

User || Book || Chapter # || Email ||

@Vintaginity || Erin’s Mistakes || 20 ||

@TMinx804 || Devil’s Highway || 9 ||


|| Come Away With Me || 8 ||

@CarlaBlack || Ornella’s Fable || 55 ||

@akaiItachi || Spells || 29 ||

@Halfley || Awaiting Story || 0 || This text will be blurred

@KnightofEmpires || Midnight Lotus || 4 ||

- The Deserts -

Please do not send chapters to those on Hiatus unless asked to do so. Members in a catch up status will stay there until asked to be removed or once it has been more than 60 days since their last response. Members on a Not Responsive status will be removed after 3 weeks of being on the hiatus tab, and are welcome to rejoin when they want.

@Shea || Throne of Misery || 25 || Hiatus ||

- Brittani’s Tracking -

@TMinx804 || Come Away With Me || 10 || 10 ||

|| Lavender Hall || 10 || 0 ||

@CarlaBlack || The White Forest (4th Draft) || 9 || 0 ||

@KnightofEmpires || Midnight Lotus|| 9 || 9

|| All These Wicked Lies || 1 || 1

@akaiItachi || Spells || 32 || 24 ||

@Halfley || Awaiting Story || 0 || 0 ||

@Shea || Throne Of Misery || 24 || 23 ||

Myself || Cake Toppers || 21 || 0 ||

|| Erin’s Mistakes || 25 || 0 ||

|| Wedding Bells || 1 || 0 ||

User || Book || Chapters Posted || Last Chapter Read ||

- Comments -

It’s Officially nap time and officially time to sit down and work and getting some reading done! :slight_smile: I was able to get a tiny bit done last week. Hoping to make some good progress here in the next 2 hours. :slight_smile: Also if you’d like me to change was story is tracked in the group assignment post, please let me know. Everyone is in such a different spot, it’s hard to actually update or use the group post for anything really. XD

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Hey Halfley!

Love the premise! It reminds me a bit too of the John Carter movie with the waring factions on the planet. I would suggest maybe a name change for one of the kingdom as they sound very similar and could get confusing. But love me some vamps and fae and excited for this one for you! There’s lots of room to world build and roam.

I will tell you the same thing I tell myself haha, and that is to go through the world building and character sheets to help flesh out ideas. (I can give you what I use if you would like). I have shot myself in the foot more than once jumping into a story only to pause or have to back track for continuity. And I’m still making those mistakes cause I tend to dive head first. lol But the more you flesh your world and the characters, the clearer a picture you will get to help guide you through scenes.

As for names, most come to me off the cuff. I have a whatever pops into my head first policy, but if you are looking for names with meaning -baby names is a good site or there are lots of fantasy name/ place generators for your to look through- can just google. I also like to add a personality test that can help with character fleshing or a natal chart (astrology) as a dive deep into personality for specific aspects of a characters life but that would only be for my two mains- if at all.

I would suggest that for the names specifically you draw on a culture for reference. I think the uncles name and his wife should have a similar feel culturally to your lead female- the kings could be different. Ex. If you have the leads name as Zahira and then Joe as the uncle they don’t jive time period wise, culture etc.

Let me know if you ever wanna bounce ideas or how we can help you as a group but love the premise and excited to read! <3

Oh yes I would love to read and same i’m a sucker for the villains with a cause! <3

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It’s pretty cute! Hope you like it and MOBIL is amazing a great giglle fest and the writing is - wow. Anyhoo for your story I am fine to read the 3rd draft or 4th it’s whatever you think would help you best! Let me know. For now I will start the 4th till I hear otherwise! <3