Did you complete or start any goals you had?

Since @Qualeshia12 posted something about next year, I thought I’d do something but about looking back to this year with goals and resolutions.

Did you achieve something? Did you at least start something? It can be writing or reading related, or life related lol

For me…

  1. I got a new car.

I was driving my parents’ old van last year (2022) and in December/January it broke down on me. I was really upset (especially since I technically broke it) and didn’t want to rely on my sister constantly driving me to and from work (though it wouldn’t have been that bad since we now work similar schedules) but I wanted to at least have two cars. Nice thing was that I was accepted for a loan from my bank and by March, I had a new car. Though, it’s not technically mine since my sister mostly drives it—we had an exchange since I can’t fully pay her and the car, so I drive hers (since she already paid it off) and she drives the one I bought.

  1. I got to go on the vacation I wanted.

For years, we had talked about going back to Disneyland and to the beach, but saving money hurts and it’s also not great that we live in the middle of the freaking country, so I didn’t think we would ever be able to. I did start saving in 2022, and got like 800 dollars in, but it wasn’t enough… which was where selling my Taylor Swift tickets came in. I now miss California, though.

  1. I’m close to my reading goal.

So, for 2022, I read about 18 books and I wanted to up it this year with 20. I’m SO close. I’ve read 16 books, and I’m on my 17th. Hoping to at least get to 18-19 by the time the year fully ends.

  1. I finished two drafts!

I started the third draft of my manuscript last December and I’ll be starting the fifth draft shortly. Well, I’m not gonna really call it a fifth draft since I want to focus smaller things like crutch words, phrases, etc. instead of me reading and revising it from beginning to end. So I’m calling it draft 4.5 lol

  1. I started a blog.

It wasn’t really on my goal list, but it was something I wanted to kind of do for a while. And I’ve surprisingly maintained a weekly upload thus far lol

I think that was pretty much it on my list. Of course, there was weight loss but that that did not happen. :sweat_smile: Not even a tiny bit. I have at least found more recipes (some on the healthier side) to make. If that counts? Lol

What about you?


Oooh, good for you! You achieved stuff. I knew I’d fail if I made too many new year’s resolutions, so I only made two: read all the books on my kindle so I could mark them as being read, and win the Goodreads Challenge with 100 books. I did win the challenge, but I’ve still got a ton of books on my kindle. I’ll just carry those forward to next year. (♯^.^♯)

I did accomplish a few things, though. To motivate myself to read more, I made a list of all the books I own in order of page count. So I read the shortest books first to build morale. (>‿◠):v:

I also started writing a new manuscript that I’ll hopefully make better progress on next year.

Have you ever read Health at Every Size by Linda Bacon? I love that her name is one of my favorite foods. ☜(ˆ▿ˆc)

She makes a good point that dieting only makes you gain weight instead of lose it, so it’s better to just eat instinctively like when we were kids. I think parents mess it all up when they make you clean your plate instead of letting you quit eating when you’re not hungry anymore. Anyway, I highly recommend the book. Also Food Isn’t Medicine by Dr. Joshua Wolrich, and any books about body positivity. ( ˆ◡ˆ)۶ ٩(˘◡˘ )



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I restarted a book I gave up on and am closer to getting it done?


I’m alive, so all of my goals have been met


Congrats on achieving your goals :partying_face:

As for me, I did not complete any of my goals (full-time job and finishing book 2) because I became disabled and that basically threw everything out the window :joy:

But I did break the family record for most MRIs and blood tests done in the span of 2 months, and going through the most doctors in a year. Not sure if that counts because it wasn’t an intentional goal :joy:


Life sometimes lives you. It’s what you build on the other side of survival that will be “the story of greatness”.


What do you have on your list to make it to the goal, or are you a mood reader who has to decide once you finish reading the previous book?

And what’s been the best book so far for you?

I always do a recap of achievements and create a set of goals at the beginning of the year on IG. So, I’ll probably make a post on my account when I’m sure I’m done for the year.

Then I’ll post it on Wacky.

So far, I know I finished some drafts. I also managed NaNoWriMo, but I still have to finish the story. Guess I’ll go do that now :stuck_out_tongue:


Let’s see:

  1. Finished a novel I’d been writing for 3 years: my biggest writing goal accomplished this year, felt super proud writing “The End” on that one.

  2. Started writing a new novel: another major writing goal this year. It’s in a genre I haven’t written in before, so its exciting getting to experiment with it!

  3. Worked my first paid job(s): both part-time, one in food delivery and one temporary data entry job for a friend of dad’s. Main motivation for those was to generate a bit of income for myself instead of relying on my parents until I graduate pharmacy school. Didn’t work many hours during the semester, but am proud of taking those first steps toward financial independence & learning how to manage personal income.

Those are the major ones this year :thinking: there’s minor ones like going paddleboarding for the first time in a decade, wearing one of my dream cosplays for Comicon, and going to a paint & wine event for the first time, plus getting to the 3rd year of my PharmD.


Great job achieving your goals!


My goals for 2023 were:

Join the theatre.


I’ve been involved in four out of four plays that my local amateur theatre company has put on this year. By far the best new hobby I’ve had in a long time! I’ve met so many wonderful and interesting people, learned lots of new skills, and been part of putting on some truly amazing plays.

Have a baby.


We started IVF in 2022 and had three transfers that ended in miscarriage throughout 2023, so it has been a gruelling year. But today we had transfer number four, so we will end this year pregnant, even if only briefly.



I took time out over the summer to travel around Africa and France. The combination of a stressful job and IVF made me realise I needed to take time away from both, so I spent two months travelling. I did the Africa part alone, and after being part of a couple for 12 years and working hard at my career for 18 years without a break, it was a liberating experience going solo, meeting new people, and not having to think about anyone or anything else.

Write a novella.


Back in 2022 I started writing an alternative ending to one of my stories in the form of a time travel novella. But I abandoned it partway through as was struggling with the direction the story was going in. But this year I completed it offline. Maybe I’ll post it somewhere in 2024.


Travelling, combined with not working for two months, plus paying for IVF, has meant I’m completely broke - so my 2024 goals are going to have to be a lot lot cheaper!


Hi! I’m back!

Here’s a comparison between the goals I had for 2023 and the things I actually achieved.

So, yeah, I didn’t do anything with my TikTok following. I tried TikTok for a while, but I just wasn’t getting it. And I couldn’t keep up with trends, and I couldn’t keep up in general, so I kind of faded away from it. Video content isn’t my thing if I have to think about how I’m going to film something :sweat_smile: That’s why I like my YouTube channel because I know how to make slides. I know how to record. That’s enough.

Book reading was extremely slow in 2023 thanks to Star Daughter :sweat_smile: Also, I was more focused on writing and illustrating aaaand…gaming. Yeah, that took a lot of time :stuck_out_tongue: I wasn’t in much of reading mood either. Idk. It just wasn’t that kind of year.

Getting covers for my books isn’t a personal achievement, but I did get them made even though I didn’t make the cover. So…yeah, I consider it an achievement of sorts.

Also, I don’t have anything about “Dead By Sunrise” which is part of Their Posthumous Lives duology. I edited book one instead, so, not like I didn’t work on the duology. I just didn’t do much for DBS.

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Write a lot, edit more.
over 200K written, more edited.