dionysus | graphic shop

Welcome to Dionysus, my graphic shop. You might know me from wattpad where I have a shop under the same name but I wanted to branch out in hopes of getting a wider range of requests. Here I will mostly be taking fake requests and would like to ask people to mostly use my wattpad to request a proper graphic from me.

'·…➭ Fill out the whole form
If you’re missing things your request may be declined without any warning or notification.

'·…➭ Your book must be published (normal requests only)
It must also have a minimum of 5 actual chapters before I will consider your request. Prologues may not count depending on their contents. Rules for short stories and poetry may vary, ask me for details.

'·…➭ Requests have limitations
You can only request one graphic at a time!

'·…➭ You must credit me when you use my designs
Put something like “cover by plutointhestars” in your book description. Failure to do this will result in immediate blacklisting from all of my shops.

'·…➭ You must use my designs for at least one month (normal requests only)
If you want to remove my designs early for any reason please let me know! If I deliver your order and it wasn’t what you were expecting/wanted and you do not want to use it at all please let me know as I will make it a premade.

'·…➭ Do not shop hop!
If you want to request from me but have already requested somewhere else, you must first cancel your previous request. Likewise, if you have requested with me but want to go elsewhere please cancel your request with me first so that I know you do not want it.

'·…➭ You are not allowed to edit my graphics in any way
You cannot edit any delivery I have given you without permission. This includes adding filters, removing my username or watermark, etc. If you want any small alterations just ask me, I’d be happy to make them!

'·…➭ Face claims
I prefer only one or two face claims but may work with up to 4 depending on the request. I accept celebrity face claims (including idols) and also non-famous face claims from stock sites. I only work with famous face claims when I can find a suitable image to use.


:grapes:BOOK TITLE*


:grapes:OTHER TEXT*



:grapes:FACE CLAIM(S)*


(please do not just put fanfiction. if it is a fanfiction, you must give me the genre/subgenre as well)


:grapes:NO. CHAPTERS

(please give me something to work with. i need to know what you want on your cover. i cannot read minds, unfortunately)


:grapes:INSPO LINK(S)*

(just yes or no)

Anything with an asterisk (*) is optional, everything else must be filled out properly.

You can request from me here or head over to my wattpad an request there while my shop is open.


Manip Examples:


Vector Examples:


Simple Cover Examples:


Object-based examples: