DIYing my desk?

I am going to spray paint my whole desk in a glossy color PINK. Have my monitor stand in a pretty glossy white.

Then get a 27 inch computer and maybe some rose gold pink desk accessories.


So, have you ever diy a piece of old still good furniture into some new, by just adding paint or some knobs?


This is the desk I have now, but I will paint it a different color which is pink:


We have this old bookshelf we’ve been meaning to paint for my room but haven’t quite got to it yet. Does that count? :joy:

I mean, technically, the entire house is a ongoing DIY project because the painter is beyond useless


Yes, it does.

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I bought a plastic table and I use it for my Mac desktop(s).

It’s a desk now. That’s an iMac G5, and that’s a Mac Mini monitor. I use them for different things.


Sorta. Once upon a time I was going to throw out this old bucket and little corner table, but spraying them with that paint that makes things look like they’re made of stone made them look brand new! I filled the bucket with sand and stuck some old dead tree branches into it after spray painting them black, and it makes a nice room decoration.

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Before you paint anything make sure the surface is cleaned, sanded, and in a well ventilated area. Also use a primer base coat before the desired coloured coat…multiple thin layers are better than one thick layer…And if possible finish with a clear varnish to protect / emphasise the paint beneath.

This scale modelling channel might have more useful info for painting (smaller projects but similar methods).

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I live in an apartment complex with other people.

Might have to go outside after all.

If your desk is kit built (IKEA style), or if the top can be dismounted easily, sand and paint the big parts outside* and the small fiddly bits inside (near an open window with the fans going). Then build everything inside, near the desk’s final resting spot. Lay out lots of old paper too. Paint likes to venture beyond the assigned boundaries.

*Paint on grass if possible. Any spilt paint, or spray overflow, will get ‘cleaned up’ with the next mowing session.

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The picture of the desk is above you on thread.

It is not Ikea styled.

Also, I live on the second floor and to carry the desk up and down stairs isn’t well a good thing for me nor do I have someone to assist in that.


That is a very old iMac.
How did you even find that?

Also, sorry for the late reply.

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Online. It still works well for basic tasks.

You don’t need a brand new state of the art one for writing.

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Is it fast enough, regardless of being just for writing?
Or is it more of it does what it needs to whether fast or slow and being strictly for writing?

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Yeah, you can open up Word, WritersCafe (it’s a planning app) and the internet fast enough. iTunes as well. But it’s from 2004, and the last software update was… 2011 I think? It can still run old apps.

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Now, if you went 90s with those older colorful apple/Macintosh computers, I’d crack a smile and start giggling.

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Everybody… rock your Macbrick!


Dropbox’s back, alright!


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Oh dear god, it is like walking through a time capsule or something!

Holy hell! This is pure nostalgia!

:smiley: :rofl:

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:joy: Someone got Dropbox to work on their Mac from 1993!

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LMAO! :rofl: :grin:

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