Do you ever get moments when you would REWATCH/REREAD/BINGE a certain media because...

it is just that good and it continues to remain good no matter what age you are? It comforts you in a way that you can’t even explain, but you know you LOVE, LOVE it since you first seen it?

Tell me, what film, television series, novel, comic, song, and etc that is and why it affects you in that way?

How often are the moments when it does happen?
Thoughts and feelings?


Yup! I keep buying refurbished xbox consoles just so I can play these old games because it’s like every time I put the game in the machine I can step back in time to my childhood and it looks exactly the same as I remember, whereas in real life nothing you knew in childhood looks the same as you remember. Omg the virtual world is more real to me than real life. I knew this would happen someday… ʕʘ.ʘʔ


Sure. I’m more likely to blame the ADHD though.


comes to a sad realization Yeah…


So it’s always a question of how much of it is because it is really good. I’d say that about Terry Pratchett and CJ Cherryh’s work, overall. But I’ve got other writers I habitually read that aren’t like that.


I have a lot of series and things that I do that with. Avatar: The Last Airbender is a big one. Stranger Things is another. I just recently rewatched Wednesday Addams because I like it so much. I replay the Spyro, Ratchet and Clank, and Jak and Daxter games for the same reason. When I’m sick, I have comfort movies I watch over and over again. The Princess Bride, Ferris Beuller’s Day Off, Tommy Boy, 50 First Dates, pretty much any Hayao Miyazaki film.


In terms of Studio Ghibli, I will watch on repeat Whispers of the Heart and Spirited Away. Other mentions would be Princess Mononoke and Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind.


I found it when I was older, but, Tinga Tinga Tales

I also used to binge Totally Spies when it could be binged on YouTube.


Older cartoons definitely