Does anyone blog?

You have my blessing.


I probably won’t post any writing there, but things may change.


You guys with your random blog posts could do like the professional writers do: create a new section of your blog called “Essays” and just shove all that stuff there. Roxane Gay, Emily St. John Mandel, Rebecca Solnit, etc. do the same. They write about everything from books to feminism to climate change, and just post it all under Essays, then they eventually publish those essays in themed collections by topic. You should do the same! Actually, I should do the same, if I could rewrite my blog posts as actual essays instead of just random thoughts. Hmmm… __〆(..)


Remember this place? lol

It’s been a long time, maybe it needs to be revived…


I’ve got it linked! But it hasn’t changed in years. Are you ever going to post descriptions of your characters? It would sure make it easier to keep track of them. You could post their images next to them and give a short bio of each, yadda yadda. ( ˆ◡ˆ)۶ ٩(˘◡˘ )


I have too many characters lol.


Look at that. So slick.

I didn’t know you had a website :grin:


I forgot too :joy: but I am planning to revive it.


Not interested in doing it?

That’s so cool! :blush:

I never even knew Goodreads came with blog postings. xD

Absolutely love that. :rofl:

That’s so cool!

And yeah, I totally understand. I pretty much dived right into the world of blogging without really looking into blogging at all. :sweat_smile: I’ve read many blog posts (or articles?) about writing and other things, but it’s not something I look into—like, “I like this blog, I’m gonna follow the writer.” If I Google something and it gives me a blog with that I’m looking for, that’s cool. And that’s pretty much all I’d use it for. Something I wouldn’t mind for other viewers to see my little neighborhood.

Of course, I’d love to grow a fan-base, but I know blogging is still kind of niche. Most prefer vlogging instead.

But with me being a writer, that was why I wanted to start one—I don’t particularly have the time, resources, and equipment to do a full-on YouTube channel and I don’t know about the future with my TikTok account since I stopped doing that like last year. :woman_facepalming: I thought that my blog would be a perfect dumping ground of both talking about writing and books (stuff I was already posting on TikTok), I could include promotions and background information to my stories at some point. c:


I LOVE that you have little wikipedias for your stories! That’s such a fantastic idea!! :scream:


Only when you’re a Goodreads Author. Regular members don’t have them

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I mostly blog on Tumblr or use Wix. Wix is also mostly free and easy to use.

I have tried WordPress but it didn’t work out for me.

My Tumblr blogs are a bit of everything. My Wix blogs? Well one is called Truthseekers and is focused on IMVU. One is more focused on my journey as a writer and me being autistic. I haven’t posted on there in a while. So I wouldn’t know what email I used.

I have one blog post on there but I’ll see if I can link the blog today. If it’s in English.

Edit: it’s in English! You can find the blog here. This is the main Wix blog I blog on. I like this blog. It looks good for being free. And I definitely shoul post on it more often!


Probably not.

What happens in my mind should either stay in my mind or get placed in a notebook or something.

Thanks :grin:

I actually got the idea of an extensive behind the scenes website from big fantasy authors. As a reader, going to those sites was fun because I was immediately immersed in the world. I thought I’d like to give my readers that :blush:

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I have a new blog now :grin: It’s an opinion blog. Going to have articles that are expanded versions of my Facebook posts.