
Do you guys think that I could write a dork well?


What do you mean by “dorks” though?


Nerds, like high school/college nerds.


Ah, I gotcha!

I mean this would be your first time writing something like that, right?
I am not good at giving advice and this is going to sound like a terribly obvious idea, but research is your friend.

Nerds are more academic whereas geeks are people with interesting hobbies. However, the roles of these two can intertwine with each in my opinion. Some geeks are nerdy while some nerds are geeky.

This is just how I see though I could be wrong.


Anyone can write anything if they work at it hard enough. But in a case like this, a shortcut is to base your character on one you saw in the movies or on TV. Just disguise that character a bit so no one connects it to the source material. ÂŻ\_(ď­˘)_/ÂŻ

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I think you do eccentric just fine.

The problem is that dork doesn’t have a fully settled definition in everyday use…You mean a clumsy nerd, inept, idiot, or someone who lacks fashion sense?

I mean, thats the spread of someone who would call themselves an Incel or dad bods with Crocs and socks.

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