eBooks... your opinions?



I absolutely love the concept and am on board with it (I mean who doesn’t want to save space and money) but the only issue for me is that there’s a psychological lock with me when it comes with a screen. I can finish a 500 page book in a day no problem but when it comes to a screen it’s 1000 times harder for me to read, finish, and enjoy a book. I don’t know why but it doesn’t help with my book hoarding issue


I’ve been enjoying webcomics a lot more here recently. They are a lot of fun to read :pleading_face:

See I can easily finish a 500 page eBook, but I think that’s because I’ve adjusted my eyes to where I can tolerate the screen a lot better than some people.


Mm fair, I used to read semi-regularly on my sister in law’s kobo and it still didn’t mesh right with me. It’s even hard to read on Wattpad or Tapas because of whenever is going on with me


I love physical books, but that doesn’t mean I mind ebooks. I just don’t get too many paperbacks or hardbacks, and I don’t have enough storage space, so I just use ebooks instead. But yeah, they’re really hard to share with friends :frowning_face:


Ebooks for the rest of my life. Just thinking about moving the boxes of books in my basement causes me crisis. Plus Kindle screens and E-ink are just the coolest thing to me.


I’m on screens a lot, a lot more than I probably should be tbh - but I also have a job interview tomorrow for a remote job that I am hoping to get. So my entire life is screen on screens xD

For some reason I cannot concentrate enough to read a physical book, idk why that is. My ADHD works in weird ways when it comes to that stuff.

OMG THE BOXES. Ptsd :sob: And they are so so heavy :grimacing:


Texting is easy for me but I think the wall of text that comes with screen reading just makes it harder since its not as interactive


Yeah that makes sense rip

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Ohh! That sounds like a struggle :frowning:

If it’s a classic or an old book, yes. I have a book app thing with a currently on-going read of Anna Karenina. Things like that, or Beatrix Potter books, I don’t care if I don’t own. And they are free to download, so, that’s a plus.

Modern books? No. I want to protect my eyes and I like physical, flip-flip books. I’m not big on holding a flat screen to read books. I tried…it’s just not the same for the modern books. Even if it was free to download. I also like owning books. I know it takes up space, but that’s what you gotta sacrifice if you’re a book lover.

So, partially practical, but generally not preferred.

My opinions, anyway :wink:

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