Fictional Religions and the Deities that are worshipped?!

What are some major and minor religions in your story that are similar to your real life religion or are totally different?
Who are the major and minor deities that are worshipped? How did the religion started?

Please tell me more about the religion(s) in your story.
I am talking about the fantasy and science-fiction mainly.

What are your thoughts?

Side Note: I feel like I’ve been here before. Have I been here before? LOL!


Also, tell me more about the followers of said religion? What do they teach and practice daily?
What are the sins or virtues of the religion?


I can’t remember.

I have a series about a bunch of gods who represent various natural phenomena, their feast days are often treated as birthdays.

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Which god is more popular than the other?

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It’s highly regional, but arguably it’s Philliana, the goddess of romantic love, sexuality, and the tide.


That is a pretty name…even though I messed up trying to say it. LOL!

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Thank you for making it easy for me.

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My story centers around one major relegion, and it comments on how sometimes, relegion can pull the wool over our eyes and decieve us into believing everything and anything.
The only relgion that is talked about in the book is similar to Hinduism in real life (I’m a Hindu by birth, and this relegion is inspired by and derieved from my own beliefs and culture),

So I have a whole chart for that. The belief in the relegion is that there was a god and a goddess, named Jagganath and Janani, respectively, and they had three girls, called the tridevi (my version of the greek fates). The tridevi then had kids, just magically, without mating, and these kids are called the panch-devatas (the minor gods). Their inbreeding then caused magical humans (called Graced, because they manipulate the undercurrent of the universe known as Grace)
Breeding with the Graced caused the birth of less gifted Graced, and then breeding between these caused normal humans.
A millenia before the story begins, humans are not very relegious, their belif in relegion having eroded since the gods left the world a few centuries ago. The gods, now being forgotten, choose some special Graced humans (decendants of the original graced) as vessels to step down on earth, to convince the world to worship them once more, and rule the world through the vessels.
What the entire world doesn’t know, though, is that this vessel thing is all a sham, a lie started by the first vessels to rule the country, and now it’s too late for the new vessels to back out (but the story centers around this lie falling apart, thus commenting upon how relegion can make us blindly believe anything)

This part is pretty much the same as Hinduism


Oh hey, my work in progress is actually based heavily on my experience with religion. Specifically as a former Christian, now atheist.

The backstory of my story’s world is that Earth was as it was until 1888 when an angel named Rolling Gold appeared from a crack in reality and declared himself to be god. He ‘blessed the world with magic’, giving everyone superpowers, became the first superhero, and stayed for a decade to stop the world from destroying itself in the chaos. Then he left, leaving everyone with a prophesy: one day the world would be ravaged by a magic-devouring devil, and when doom seemed imminent, Rolling Gold’s daughter would be born in mortal form to aid the other superheroes of the world in the fight to defeat the devil and save the world.

Cue modern day, my dumpy, underachieving, goofy and relatively good-hearted protagonist realizing he’s the prophetic devil, and the whole world is going to want him dead.


If it’s real world, real religions exist, whether I bring them all in.

In the Werewolf ones

They don’t have a codified text coming from their deity but that’s because she still somewhat interacts with them. A goddess given mate makes that VERY hard to ignore (although not all of them are Goddess given). The whole of pack ceremony is minimalistic Goddess worship.

That and while the Goddess is benevolent, she’s benevolent to the whole of them, not just to the one. If an Alpha needs to be brought back in-line, he’s given a mate that will either humble him or start enough of a fight to have him taken out (takes care of tropes to abusive assholes right there). Once they started making a mandatory class on these things, most young Alphas quit making the obvious mistakes that will give them a mate that they’ve hurt because the psychic bond hurts THEM as well as the one they have harmed…

So there’s currently upheaval in the religion: why not directly make a law about the sanctity of the weak, so there were religious laws to remove bad Alphas?

The problem is the Goddess is also worried about the growth and genetic diversity within packs, and you want to get an heir off a jerk before he’s taken care of.

In the Game of the Gods

The gods can walk among you and take avatars on. They aren’t classical deities, just beings a step more advanced than you.

In Magick 101

They are mostly magical accidents, where they were made living well-sourced for specific types of magic.

There’s no limits on what they do, otherwise, so they are going to be varied in religions.


TriRealm Universe has several religions. They essentially develop when I create new societies and cultures. Figuring out what people believe in sets the tone for their culture.

I must say, it’s kinda fun to create religions. It’s a shame maybe 1% of this will ever make it into the books.

I’m careful to not use terms like gods, devil, heaven and hell, because I want to reduce association with biblical themes. I have demons and angels in this universe so some association is inevitable but I try. There’s no species that’s good or evil, they’re just different.

The three realms are Earth (human realm), Nether (demon realm), and Aether (angel realm).
There’s also the First Realm where Creators live, these are the deities of this universe. They created the TriRealm.

Let’s start with The Earth Realm.


Angelolatry is the worship of angels.

Since angels look like pretty humans with wings, and since their sightings are extremely rare, theories were born that humans become angels when they die, and the realm they live in is the realm of the dead which is why there’s no portal leading there.

All of that is incorrect, but by now the belief has become such a strong part of the society, trying to explain the real reasons falls on deaf ears.

The Church of Promise of Order

The Church of PoO is a sect of Angelolatry.

Aside from worshipping angels, they hold extremist views. They’re blaming demons for everything bad that ever happens on Earth. They believe if they cleanse the Earth by getting rid of all demon half-breeds, they’ll usher a new ara and angels will come to Earth.


Heliolatry is the worship of the Sun.

It’s the most popular belief on the Nether but it’s not treated strictly as religion by most. Simply, demons believe that everything is better when done under the sun.

Worship of Creators

Demons, again, don’t worship in the way humans do, but they hold a special respect for and fear of the Creators. Understandable, considering the Nether’s Creator is Tiamat who’s as unforgiving as they come.

On Earth, there are those who worship Gaia, The Earth Mother.
Followers of this religion are at odds with believers of Angelolatry since they refuse to acknowledge the existence of Creators.

All angels follow this belief, respecting all Creators but especially Perun, the Creator of their realm.

The Higher Law

Since we’re talking about angels, they have a very structured and hierarchy-driven society, to the point that their law is a religion. To break the law is to sin.

Most parts of the Higher Law is meant to keep order and keep angels in their assigned roles. But most important is the Law of Purity - no mixing with the other species.


This is a belief in the sanctity of the soul. They believe that they have to keep their souls healthy to prepare them for reincarnation.

Mystics have special abilities that allow them to connect to souls and heal them.

To everyone else that hasn’t experienced a seance with a Mystic, Mysticism seems fake.

Empyrean Sage Order

I haven’t fully developed this religion yet, it’s pretty mysterious to me too. :wink:

It might be a sect of Creator Worship or Heliolatry. I’ll work on it when I’m working on DragonSky again.

Hmmm, writing this, I realized I need a name for followers of Angelolatry. Angelics? What do you think?

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I’m getting Good Omens vibes.
But in a good way. The premise sounds great.


Angel-worship without God is just another form of paganism

Paganism is a blanket term for anything that’s not the “approved” religion.

So in this case, all of these would fall into that group.


I thought that paganism meant polytheism. I guess Buddism is pagan now.

From the Christian viewpoint, only Judaism isn’t surefire paganism. Many aren’t as sure of Muslim beliefs, and will argue about calling Catholicism paganism as well as Mormonism. Those outside the faith wouldn’t agree.

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I see

Weird word

It will make a hair more sense after this:

When you pray to a god for something within their power to grant you, you’re worshipping them. Pretty straightforward, right?

Well, in Catholic belief, you’re praying to the saints for them to intercede for you on their specialty. You’re not claiming the power is theirs, per se. It is on loan from the One True God if they do it, otherwise it comes from The One True God.

ike Paull did in Acts 3:6-8a

"6 Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” 7 Taking him by the right hand, he helped him up, and instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong. 8 He jumped to his feet and began to walk.

But the issue comes in when the action is granted and the credit is given to the saint and not to God. At that point you are worshipping a person: petitioning them for power, accrediting them with the results.

Some people are even more strict going, “Why are you speaking to the dead?” (Which again, is pagan worship at another angle.)

The problem is that an argument from Christ against the Seduces over the resurrection puts that to rest. Basically, God is the God of the living, and physical death doesn’t change that.

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