First Person or Third Person?!

I am thinking about it, but it’s just been bugging me a bit.

Would Behind the Sovereign’s Mask sounds more flow better in first person narrative or third person narrative?

The thing is with doing it in first person that the reader will be in Anjan’s headspace constantly and to make the story where Anjan is pretending to be anti-hero, but is actually a villain towards the end of the series, might prove challenging.

Not only that it has been such a LONG time since I wrote something in first person.

However, the story being in third person would be better, but the story is primarily focuses on Anjan and all his endeavors within the court. Yet I want to also focus on the other characters too.

I believe one of my reasons why I want first person isn’t simply because it’s been a long while and to see if I have what it takes, but to see how the reader can better understand on the mindset of Anjan and what he is really about.

I am unsure which is better, flowing wise and as a reading experience.
Thoughts and Feelings?



Which narrative do you normally write your own stories in? Which one is easier for you and more enjoyable versus the ones that are harder and boring for you?

Lend me your thoughts, please?


3rd person focuses fine on 1 character.


I normally write Third Person in a Past Tense… I’m a story teller.

This just seems to fit with how I create and show in my writing, and I don’t see any reason to opt for a differing style.


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It depends on the story I’m telling really. I have a draft that’s written in first person but going over it, I realised there’s a lot that happens off-page to the point where it feels like the protagonist is not active. So I changed it to third-person. In another story I’m combining first, second and third person povs. I find second-person pov very exciting lol.

What’s easy for me? I don’t know. I write primarily in first person for academia so I’m proficient at it. But when it comes to fiction, finding the right first-person voice is quite challenging.


My preference is third person intimate, where you write it exactly the way you would first person, except it’s third. Writing first person is easy; you just write whatever you think of as you think of it. But I hate reading it as a general rule since all first person narrators sound the same…usually like a teenager. That’s just me, though. Probably more readers prefer first person, and won’t read anything else. ¯\_(ﭢ)_/¯

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I like writing whatever fits the story at that given time.


Did not know that was even a thing.
Wouldn’t that be third person limited in a way?

If that’s the case, I write in that narrative already.

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I’ve always found first person a little cringe, but that’s just a personal preference. I prefer third person, past tense, but still from the MCs POV, if that makes sense? The narrator only knows what the MC is thinking but still writes in third person.


I do both. My main series is in third person so I can go into anyone’s head as necessary. Two of my other series are first person because they’re actually narrating the story. Haven’t decided yet for the other series. Both come naturally but it really does come down to the character, the plot, and how the story is told. Third is definitely easier though


I’ve written in both before. For me, it depends on which one comes more naturally while I’m writing

Most recent finished work was in third person

Current wip is in first person

I don’t really have a preference, so long as it fits the way the story is being told and how the characters relate to the plot/events (personally, third person is easier for me when the story calls for more worldbuilding, or involves a larger cast of characters. First person fits more when I’m focusing on the characters’ personal experiences/feelings as the story’s events happen)


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