FONT SIZE DOES MATTER!!! (at least to me)

When it comes to reading, it wasn’t just about if the story was engaging or distractions. The size of the font was annoying to me. Yes, trying to read The Way of Kings was a challenge by physical book (won’t discuss the audiobook) because it was not only a thick book, the font size was tough to read through. Books where the font size isn’t too small or too normal is my jam! I am not looking for books with huge font size, a bit bigger than the average. I can read Rick Riordan’s story with ease because of the font size or stories that use that font. And it’s not just the size, the style matters too!

Which is funny, because when it comes to my own writing, I don’t care too much. I mean I do care about the font size and style, but I always zoom in the document when I am writing. However in the process of doing edits, I can’t I need a larger font to read and even bother with editing my drafts. I’m weird and that is all I can say.

So, this is something I realized and found interesting.
Thoughts and feelings?



I’m in my 40s and wear glasses for reading. Small print is hell.


I’m thirty-four and I am starting to feel that. I’ve been wearing glasses for years.

Even so, I am getting there.

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I don’t really mind font size. I only own physical books that are either out of print, aren’t available from my library, or ones that I really really need. So I have no choice but to put up with whatever font they come in. That said, it feels wrong when the font is too big and spaced out like Book-of-the-Month editions – I can’t stand those, and luckily don’t own any of em :wink:

I’m kinda hard-wired to write in Arial-12 pt-double spaced. It’s safe, readable, works on any modern machine.


Interesting. Years back I was trying to do that. I didn’t but that is something to know.

My go to font is Helvetica-Neue in size 9 (though I have used 10 or 11 in the past) doubled space. Though I had a thing with many before this one.

Lobster, Oswald, Merriweather, Arial, and Times New Roman. :sweat_smile:

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That’s why I love ereaders. You can change font sizes and styles, also the background color and text color. Makes it soooo much easier to read!


I hated reading Dickens in school because the font was small and the bookw as so damn thick. I mostly get eBooks now, and read them on iBooks/Google Books so I can zoom in and see the font, and I do that also on my Kindle.

It’s harder for me to read physical books now because of the fixed font size, so I’m with you on that, but I think you might be able to request larger font sizes from your library or a publisher. I understand exactly what you mean. It’s offputting if the font is too small at times, and it has lots of words.

But when I am writing, I usually use 12 size font, and Georgia font because Times New Roman isn’t a nice font and Arial is too plain but for a joke, I made a character’s diary use Comic Sans. But yes, use a larger font in your drafts if it helps. Don’t be afraid to.


I believed I used this font for a bit. I’ve been using Helvetica Neue for so long that I can’t see myself using anything else. I love the font though.


I used to have an e-reader, that was years ago.

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I’ve actually decided not to get a book because of the teeny tiny font. I open the book to see if I’m interested and come face to face with teeny tiny font and then I’m like, NO.

Even if I was interested in buying the book, teeny tiny font? NO.

I’ve read books with teeny tiny font and it’s just… an unnecessary struggle :sweat_smile:

Unfortunately, you can’t tell font is teeny tiny on Amazon.

So, this is only when I go to the English bookstore.


Yikes to teeny tiny font!

I hate how people think that is cool to have. Others can read novels with those types of fonts, but what about the people who want to read that same novel, yet they can’t read that type of font?

Guess there are e-readers, audiobooks, or not reading it at all, I suppose.
It sucks sometimes.


Or they don’t want to get headaches.

I didn’t buy this book plus the bonus of a headache thank you very much :stuck_out_tongue:

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