Getting into the habit of staying in shape?

I would rather join a gym instead of doing exercises at home because if I stay home, I will get severely distracted and have everything else become FAR more important to me than my physical.

So, I plan to join a gym and I don’t care about money so long it isn’t too pricey. The thing is that I want to move about and eat better. My mental health is making that harder than normal these days, since I am doing nothing for real purpose and have the same routine daily. Yet I am truly ALWAYS inside my home and the times I do go outside, it is purely random.

I am just looking forward to staying in shape and building a healthier lifestyle along with sticking to a habit.

Thoughts? Feelings? Advice?

**** NOTE: I need to exercise, but also do what is best for my mental health in terms of which exercises.



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I’m probably not the person you want to talk about for staying in shape. I haven’t had the time because of being in and out of hospital, and don’t see the point of gyms :joy:

But yeah, getting in shape isn’t just working out and eating well. It’s also things like getting a healthy amount of sleep, letting your mind take breaks from work, allow yourself to deal with trial and error while sorting this out, and even talking to a professional for advice (no, not the people on social media who claim to be professionals. Actual professionals). You also need to remember that it takes time to develop these sorts of habits and get into a rhythm. It won’t just happen


I am already in shape… round’s a shape


Jokes aside, make an effort to try and walk everyday if you can. Even a short walk, weather premitting (I know you’ve been having a heatwave recently) Definitely try and eat a good diet, and sleep well like @alenatenjo mentioned. But honestly? A lot of it is what you eat, and how much you eat. Figure out your BMR and work around that. If you maintain that, you should be good. Walking will help build your muscles too.


@Churro and @alenatenjo

Not looking to get some six pack abs, but at least be slimmer than what I am now currently and to stay that size for a long while.



You’re the opposite of me – I HATE going to the gym, but my mother drags me there kicking and screaming since she doesn’t like to go alone. I’d rather buy the equipment and exercise at home, but we don’t have the money or the space for that. ˓(ˊᘩˋ⋆)

Is there someone gungho like that in your life? Someone who’d drag you to the gym even when you don’t want to? 'Cause to me that’s the best way to get into the habit. It’s not so bad once we get there, since all the machines have device holders on them so I just read books on my kindle while working out…which reminds me, bring headphones and some music! Spending a half hour on the treadmill or bike or whatever goes a lot faster if you just go off into your own little world, listening to your favorite music and reading manga or whatever on your phone or tablet. *nod nod*


No. No, I do not.

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Remember the Holy Trinity of Dead Lifts, Squats, and Overhead Press.

Random Lifting humour for motivation


^I need to get my lazy butt to Japan.


Honestly, I’m in the same boat as you. I really need to work out more to get back in shape, but because I’m stuck at home all the time, I don’t really get the chance to go out and exercise. And trying to do exercise at home is just impossible, it never happens even if I plan for it. Having a gym membership when I did have one a few years ago really helped, because then I could dedicate time to it where I was in a space specifically for it and had no excuse not to work out. I need to do that again, but I have no money and nothing like that nearby. I hope that you can get a gym membership and start working out though. It really does wonders for your mental health as well as physical health. Good luck!


Exercise is great for mental health, so I’d say go for it!
If a gym is too pricy, maybe look to get a cycle and go for rides. There are often cycle schemes that allow for anyone with a budget to get one. This is also a cheaper option than a monthly sub for a gym.



Sometimes I think maybe I’ll try a gym and get a trainer because idk what to do and I don’t want to end up hurting myself.

But then I see how expensive it is and think “nah”.

And then I think well, I do go out to buy groceries and that is a ten-min walk so, maybe it’s not exercise but I am walking… well, maybe not really, but it’s not nothing…

I’m not your model “staying-in-shape” person :stuck_out_tongue:


This is so me! However, I do walk about 3 miles each way to work and back, so I guess I’m doing okay…



I have an underdesk bike which helps me massively, as I’m always on my PC. If I remember right, people with ADHD tend to fare better with lifestyle changes if they keep imagining themselves as the type of person they want to be, at least it’s true for me. I just pretend that I’m the type of healthy, fit person who drinks green juice and takes vitamins and does an hour of cardio a day. Works great up until I forget, lmao.

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