Okay I’mma take a moment here to scream into the void… no need to answer unless you want to… I’m just wanting to get this off my chest.
I recently got a series of replies on a story I read on Wattpad and make suggested changes to (because the author encouraged their readers to share their thoughts on things).
I have always said that I am not the perfect editor, nor do I catch everything that is wrong within a work. So I was caught off guard, and became defensive by the idea that these replies were direct contradictions to things I had suggested changes on. Some of the person’s contradictions flying directly in the face of conventions of writing mechanics.
So I made a mistake… I replied (in my defensive mode) to a few of them trying to explain my position, and why I chose the suggested corrections. Rule number one: Don’t feed the Trolls, right? Well that went right out the window and I wish it hadn’t.
Hrmmm… so as the past few days have gone on and this person continues to reply to me, I’ve started to feel terrible. Not because of what this guy is saying (TO ME) but what he’s saying ABOUT this creator’s work. And I egged him on by replying.
I really like the authors work which this guy keeps pointing out the “errors” on (both for the original work and for the corrections I suggested), and I’ve started to feel like I’ve disrespected the author by “talking (in front of them) behind their back.”
I have posted an apology to the author (Hopefully private… with Wattpad it’s hard to tell), and have taken one of my more defensive replies down and stated so. I have also told the individual who started correcting me (and in turn the author) that I am ending the conversation because I feel as if I’ve disrespected an author I truly love the writing from…
Here’s hoping I haven’t ruined the connection I’ve had with this author over the past few years. Wish me luck… I may need it!
Anyway, thank you for allowing me to take a moment to vent…