graphics and stuff // open for a bit

oop, sure gimme a sec, sorry for the hassle :sweat_smile:

i’ll fix that

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thank u! :>

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here u go! hope that green is ok~ pls remember to credit me in the description, otherwise have fun and thank u :>

(click here for full resolution in case wacky compresses it lol)


This looks lovely, thank you! Would it be possible to fade/reduce the saturation of the green just a little at the edges? Otherwise no problem, it’s gorgeous! I’ll be sure to credit!

also, I’ve added in the banner inspo, hope they’re alright

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edited the premade post! hope that’s better? if not, lmk~
I’ll check the inspo when i can~

Yes it is! Thank you <3

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heloo here’s what i did for deaths facade :] i hope its ok! feel free to ask for any changes, and just lemme know if you’ll be using it or not - if u do, just credit me in the description, otherwise that’s it! happy new years :]

(click here for the full, uncompressed version)

as for the banners: i don’t really think what you want is tailored for my style - especially since my style is the only one i have experience doing ^^;; trying new things for me usually end up ugly lol. i’m super sorry!


Oh this is lovely! Just one request, could you make the author’s name 2/3 sizes smaller, and maybe the title just a size bigger please? Otherwise it’s absolutely stunning! I will use it and give credit accordingly! Thank you so much! <3

No worries, i totally understand! Would it be possible to just resize the cover’s background image for the banners, still? If not, it’s okay and thank you for trying! <3


updated the og post for the cover! let me know if that’s better? as for resizing the cover into a banner: i didn’t think of that lmfao. so here u go! i adjusted what you wanted the banner to say so it’d all fit better, hope that was ok! just credit whenever/if ever you use it :]

click here fr an uncompressed version ye


uh … it kinda looks the same? :eyes: :sweat_smile: A few more sizes smaller for the author’s name, perhaps?
edit: I’ve published the story by the way, here’s the link if you’d like to check creds and stuff <3

:joy: I get that, and thank you so much! This is perfect! <3

out of curiosity, if I wanted chapter header banners, how would that work? I’d like one for the start of my chapters, but the chapter names aren’t finalised yet …

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it was a bit smaller, my graphic style just includes large authors so it’s kinda programmed in me to keep them big (gif for reference) but regardless, updated it again even smaller?

could you elaborate wym by that? the chapter headers?

ooh I see :sweat_smile: sorry for cramping your style! it looks perfect now, thank you! <3

okay, um the banners/chapter headers are just basically an image version of the chapter title, just for styling :sweat_smile: I’ve got 50 chapters (including prologue and epilogue) and each of these have specific titles. I was wondering how it’d work if I were to request and you were to accept? I haven’t decided on chapter titles yet, which is why I wondered

oh yeah sure idm doing that, for something that long term you’d just have to contact me on discord more likely lol but i’m fine with doing that! (if you mean reusing that banner anyway, and not making a new individual one for each chapter?) :]

Yep, reusing! My brain couldn’t generate so many ideas :joy:

Ooh, alright, thank you! I will! Can I place a req for the first four chapters i have up? I’d like them pretty much the same as the end banner, just with the chapter title being the main focus. Would you prefer I use the form?

oh nah! if you just want me to change the title just gimmie a list of the chapter names and I’ll churn them out :]
so for clarification, just change death’s facade to the chapter title, not the other text?

Yep! I’d still like for the tile to be there, but more as a subtext than anything else if.possible😊

Chapter titles

  • death’s façade (this is just like the banner above, but only with the title)
  • part one | the body
  • prologue
  • chapter 01 | cruor

also sorry for troubling you so much, is there anything you’d like for payment?

with how the main text is swapping it out got a little awkward so i had to make due lol, hope it’s ok!
also, don’t worry about it! i don’t need anything :'>

uncompressed versions in order: one two three four

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Sorry about the late reply! I had stuff to get to :sweat_smile:

The first banner is perfect! <3 Please just add the book 1 and the author’s name to it if possible.

For the chapter headers, I don’t need the 'thank you for reading … ’ text. Would it be possible to move the book 1 text up into that space and put death’s façade down there?

And I’m reallyyyyy sorry for troubling you!

updated the og post :]

Yay, thank you so much! <3 But would it be possible to keep the font for death’s façade, like the author’s name? :eyes: Otherwise don’t worry, I’ll take it! And once again, I’m terribly sorry for the bother!