Help Me Infiltrate Radish!

My curiousity about the writing site of Radish has grown too great. I want to write there, but my stories, though on the surface they hit all the things people like on Radish, like Romance, Female Protags, and Cliffhangers for every chapter, you must remember that I was the person who wrote about grass growing on the moon, making it teal in color.

I need more information and to write 30 pages to upload and get judged.


Lmao. I think most people have entered stuff more than once. My guess is to try your more plain vanilla stuff. Shrugs

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The plainest of my stuff is closer to Rocky Road.
I’ll try and put in HaD or Blood and Iron, but I mostly want to do a little trolling.


Just rip off 365 Days and make it fantasy themed. 365 Faes. Harem.

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I’m just wondering how I can send ONLY the first 30 pages of a document rather than the full 122.

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Copy and paste them into a new word document

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Why do you want to be on Radish? I could be wrong, but I think you can make more money on Amazon. Radish doesn’t really advertise your books, do they? ¯\_(ﭢ)_/¯

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Mostly for the fun of it.

Imagine seeing respectable, standard books next to my insanity.

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Insanity is good. I’m a bit more conventional with trainwrecks.

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Yeah, I always take care to make my trainwrecks interesting!

Look, I know they’re good when they make me feel anxious or I’m dying of laughter.

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I submitted. Now we wait.


I wanted to try Radish too, but I have no idea how to even start.


All you need is 30 pages of your story in a file and a synopsis.


30 pages, which font and spacing?


They didn’t specify, but they do want dox, doxc, and pdf file types.


The way I was taught to save files was double-spaced, so those 30 would be 15 pages…but I think most places have done away with double spacing.


TNR 12, 2 spacing.

Been on Radish for a few months. It’s great there money-wise. I made a couple of hundreds bucks in two weeks with one book, no popular tropes, and no promotion. So if you hit the market with the right trope, and active with their promotional events, you will easily milk some money out of that site.

Other than your excerpt, they will check your online presence. So, yeah, both are important for them seems like. It’s a business after all.


Oh, then I’m not going to qualify. No online presence outside Wattpad.

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Well, they seem to accept Wattpad as an online prescence.

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