Here I go again with the FUN character questionnaires!

Here we go, folks:

  1. Where is your MC born? The city, the city, and/or the world?

  2. Who are your main character’s parents and other close family members? Where are there family now in the story?

  3. Does your MC have a group of friends, that one friends, is trying to make friends or is a loner?

  4. At what point does the plot begins for your MC? The beginning, the middle, or close to the end?

  5. Is your MC ordinary or extraordinary at first? Do they remain that way as the story progresses?

  6. What does your MC want goal wise that isn’t connected to the plot? What does your MC NOT want goal wise, but it is connected to the plot?

  7. Does your MC fear anything? Do they have trauma? Did they have a childhood they were fond of or not?

  8. Is your MC quirky, adorkable, that cool weirdo, or interesting in character?

  9. Has your MC met the villain, but had no idea that was the villain till chapters or books later?

  10. Has your MC’s friends and/or family return to the spotlight again after the focus went to the MC and their many adventures?

  11. Are there character that dislike or even hate your MC and it stays that way for a while or do they gradually soften towards the MC overtime?

  12. Does the MC hail from a legacy that they never knew about till now? This doesn’t mean that they discover they are royalty or something along those lines. Like, they can come from a family of mages or a long line of famous bakers or something like that.

  13. What will make your MC feel like a fish out of water? Like, how would they react being in a location or situation they had no concept of or is completely ignorant about?

  14. In terms of people or rather other characters trying to understand your MC, is your MC like a closed book or an open one?

  15. In the fictional world or even Earth, is there something that your MC hates about that world that they wish they could change, but is often told by many people that it isn’t possible?

  16. What is the MC’s full name? Do they have nickname or some alias? Do they like or hate their name? Is there a secret behind the name that might tie in with the plot or not at all?

NOTE: You can do either some of these questions or all of them if you want to. It is totally optional.



Hey, you guys, I think you might like these questions and it has been a while.
My apologies.

Any genre goes. So, it not just fantasy or science-fiction. :grin:


I’m going to do this for my 2 MCs as of book 3 :joy:

Amneris Topanga

Kingdom of Kemet, Earth

as of book 3
Nephthys Kaylee (mother) - location unknown after banishment
Tenakhshen (father) - deceased
Lvaane Topanga (adoptive father) - Lyriumia
Nakia-Ali Topanga (twin brother) - location unknown; off having adventures
Hathor Topanga (daughter) - Lyriumia
Horus Topanga (step-son) - United Fae Worlds
Colt Kymmer (former-husband-now-boyfriend (loooooong story)) - Lyriumia
Xix Acheron (half-sister) - Terpola

Amneris has a lot of friends but she does sometimes go off and have her own adventures

Amneris is the MC since book 1 and most of the series revolves around her so she’s there for all of it or is she?

Well, considering she’s a Goddess, Balance Keeper, Immortal and severely overpowered, I’d say extraordinary right from the start :joy: There is one book where she loses her powers but they come back near the end of that book

A bloody vacation without someone trying to kill her :joy:

To be Queen of Lyriumia. Sadly, that comes with her powers so she can’t really get out of it

  1. She’s not good with small spaces
  2. Duh
  3. Yeah, she doesn’t talk about her childhood much

She’s a pain in the butt, sarcastic, hotheaded chick with anger issues and extremely selfish. So quite likeable once you get to know her :joy:

Ohhhhh no. The villains tend to have this habit of always making it obvious they’re the villains

Amneris’ family is part of the main cast so they’re around a lot and get quite a bit of screentime. It’s more of a shared focus thing

Literally everyone she knows fits one of these two things :joy:

No, Amneris is aware her bloodline goes back to the First Queen and has relation to a lot of the past Lyriumian Rulers (not all of them though because the crown isn’t passed through bloodlines). But records only go so far so who’s to say there aren’t others :eyes:

She’s not ignorant of much but being on Terpola (Lyriumia’s sister planet) definitely puts her out of her comfort zone. For more reasons than one ;-;

Depends on the person, really. Sometimes she’s closed, sometimes she’s open.

Inter-species relations. A lot of species hold grudges toward each other (no, Amneris is not an exception from this). She wishes her people would just get along for five minutes so she could have a day off without having to deal with some pretty stupid drama. Unfortunately, it’s literally impossible for everyone to get along.

Oh boy this one is a mouthful :joy:
Anmerankh-Karareia Ingram Amunet Kebechet Topanga

Either A.K. or Amneris, but she prefers Amneris

Hate. Very much hate

Her first name is the same as the First Queen but that’s not exactly a secret ;-;

Xix Acheron

Crita, Terpola

Enliatu Acheron (father) - deceased
Nephthys Kaylee (mother) - location unknown after banishment
Aunt/Uncle/Cousin - location unknown
Amneris Topanga (half-sister) - Lyriumia
Nakia-Ali Topanga (half-brother) - location unknown; off having adventures

Xix was a loner until quite recently. Then she met Ema and they started travelling together and, eventually, met up with Amneris and her family, and became part of the gang

That’s a tricky one. Xix does show up in books 1 and 2 but you don’t know it’s her. She gets introduced properly in Book 3 and that’s when she becomes a MC

Xix is fairly normal in the beginning. The only thing that made her extraordinary was her family history (yikes) but she does get a lot of power near the end of book 3 and keeps it for the rest of the series (excluding a period of like 10 minutes)

She wants to go out into Creation and learn and explore

Xix didn’t want to inherit the throne nor her family’s power but circumstances meant she had to

  • herself, her power, and becoming like her ancestors
  • a little :thinking:
  • not particularly after a certain point

Xix is mostly quiet and sticks to herself but she’s really likeable once you realise she’s nothing like her ancestors

Her father was the big bad for a while but I wouldn’t say she was unaware of this.

Ema, Axel and Grace (her friends) aren’t really main characters so don’t get a lot of screentime unless they’re with Xix, Amneris or her friends/family

A lot of people initially fear Xix because of her family’s history but they grow to like her

Hmm. No, not really. She already knew her family went back to the First King because the crown was passed through the bloodline. But she didn’t know about her Lyriumian heritage properly until book 3

All Xix wants is to better life for her people. But this is a hell of a lot easier said than done. She does her best, obviously, but there are some people who will just never be happy, even if you give them the world

Xix Sophia-Grace Acheron

Just Xix (her first name). She did go by “Nightblade” while in the Terpolite Mines and with the Rebels

Xix likes her name

Xix means “Dusk” in the Old Language. It doesn’t tie in with the series but it will with the layout of book 3

Nightblade caught on because of her dark magic and abilities with a sword

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Wow, I have a lot of questions to ask!


Thanks so much!

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Ask away :joy:

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Let’s do Pinti. This will be long :stuck_out_tongue:

About Pinti

She was born on Elgana, but it’s not clear exactly where.

Yon (father), Cerenti (mother), Tendri (sister)

Yon is currently tasked by his daughter to search for information on something Pinti saw in her dream, so he is in his study amidst all the ancient parchment texts.

Cerenti is missing. Yeah :eyes: No one has seen her since the morning.

Tendri is in the living room and sometimes outside playing with her goat Blepy and her emotional support forest feline, Foof.

Pinti had four friends. One betrayed her, so now she has three.

Halfway through the beginning when she’s able to get the clan to follow her as the leader.

Pinti’s the only Kattaluna with working lunar magick. That remains throughout the story. In terms of an individual, I would say in Kattaluna standards, she’s pretty ordinary.

Her goal is to save Kattaluna from extinction. She doesn’t want to end up like the lionkind bipedals that lived in the past but have since gone extinct. This goal is connected to the plot.

Her fear is failure because failure means she wasn’t able to keep the promise she made to her sister of returning and the promise she made to her clan of protecting them.

Pinti’s quite serious, actually :stuck_out_tongue: Not that she won’t mess around sometimes, but she was made to grow up really fast even for Kattaluna standards.

Exactly :stuck_out_tongue:

Will they? Not the family, sadly, but the friends, yes.

Not all members of the clan like Pinti. Especially the elders stuck in their old ways.

And she may never truly know.

Seeing Humans for the first time and being with Humans for the first time.

It’s kinda tricky because she’s a clan leader, so she will naturally withhold things until it’s the right time to tell them. That means she has the tendency to be like a closed book. But with certain things, she can be quite open.

Get rid of Bloodstone wall, but this is something that many wish. They also know it’s kinda impossible.

Pinti’s name comes from “pinti-pinti” which is the Kattaluna onomatopoeia for rain. She was found on a rainy night in the forest. Rain also symbolizes perseverance and adaptability which are two traits she constantly shows throughout the story.


ooo fun, i’m gonna do True from Gallows Humour

Saskatchewan, Canada

deceased and never mentioned.

they’re a loner and like it that way, although they have a lot of connections because they’re nomadic and trade for a living.

ze beginning. you could consider it the end, i guess. the end… of the world!

they’re ordinary throughout the story, just really stubborn and miserable.

very secretly they want to finish clearing out this one specific ghost village and live there completely alone and unbothered for the rest of time.

They do not want to hike all the way to the west coast but alas. they have to.

plenty, they’re living in the post-apocalypse. They have a rational and healthy fear of shadow dwellers (cannibals), they’re reasonably wary of everyone else since everyone is a wee bit more aggressive now that half the population is dead and starvation is constantly on the horizon.

also they’re irrationally terrified of heights. no particular reason but it does come up a few times.

quirky and adorkable. definitely. (this is my deadpan voice)

i dunno, i think they’re interesting but that’s subjective.

oh yeah! the villain works for a group that they hate/hates them, but there’s a moment in the second chapter where they see her briefly in a crowd and don’t realize she’s The Enemy.

No. see question 2 for the reason.

Quite a few, they are very unlikeable. in particular, the villain. and also a merchant who they kick the crap out of early on(for reasons).

they do not.

kindness :joy:

nah, um, they’re pretty uncomfortable in large crowds. travelling/living in group settings like a civilian caravan would be very disorienting for them.

closed book, very closed. closed and locked like one of those super private journals with the teeny tiny padlocks.

they hate pollen, spring, and summer because they have allergies :joy:

True Gallows, they’re fine with it. It doesn’t tie in with the plot, but it does tie in with the title (Gallows Humour).

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Alma was created in the American Sanctuary City 2, (Around what is now considered Seattle WA, but has changed in the future according to the lore of my series.)

Alma’s creators are Gayle Chen and Evander Graves, and could be considered like parents to him. There are two other prototypes that could be considered siblings to him as well. The medical synthetic, Arda, and the military synthetic, Abel. Gayle Chen, Arda, and Abel are all still in Alma’s life, but Evander is put in prison after stealing Alma and dissembling him. He gets minimal time for theft and destruction of personal property, but by the time he does get out, Alma and the others are on the Horizon, a ship taking them to another planet to terraform it for human colonists.

Alma makes friends with a domestic synthetic that saves him from Evander Graves after he’s stolen by the co-creator. I repurposed a character I had from a scrapped story and put him into my Synthetic Series, so he might sound familiar. Errol. He also becomes fast friends with one of the crew members on the horizon. Her name is Brook-Lynn, and she’s a botanical and environmental scientist.

I’d think the beginning, as his creation is the pivotal point for the whole story and sets everything in motion.

In some ways he is extraordinary, because he is the first of his kind as a breakthrough in technology, the first A.I. to reach technological singularity, and a mystery as to how he acquired a “soul”. In other ways, he’s just another person, like anyone else. But that’s sort of what makes him extraordinary in the first place, because he was never meant to be a person. Just a machine.

Alma wants to protect the medical synthetic, Arda, who he sees as a little sister. I’s not a big plot point, but it is an important goal for him to keep her safe.

Alma doesn’t want to end up being like Evander Graves, his co-creator, but eventually ends up becoming more and more like him as the story progresses, seeking power, having an unpredictable temper, viewing himself as better than others, etc.

Alma didn’t really have a childhood, as he was created as a fully grown adult. But he definitely has trauma and a lot of anxiety. Not only was he taken apart piece by piece and put back together again, all while conscious and in pain, but he also endures emotional abuse from people that look down on him for not being human, including from his own creators. He has a lot of fears. Fear of never being enough and disappointing others, fear of becoming like Evander Graves, fear of losing his sentience, fear of being sentient, fear of emotions, fear of loss, etc… The list goes on and on. This sad robot has anxiety.

I could easily describe him as adorkable. He’s very socially awkward but not in a creepy way. Very much in a childish way because he’s emotionally immature. After all, he never had a childhood, so he’s still learning. He’s curious and awkard and a very endearing sweetheart. At least to start off with. He gets a darker side later on, but to begin with, he’s very innocent and naive, and definitely has his quirks.

Yes, he meets the villain in the very first chapter, but has no idea how bad he can become until about halfway through the book.

I try to keep an equal amount of attention on all the side characters, but Alma definitely gets the spotlight most. Errol and Brook-Lynn also get their own chapters from their POV too, but Alma is obviously the main character and they are secondary mains.

There are definitely characters that dislike Alma right away and stay that way through the whole series. There’s also some that meet him and dislike him but grow to like him later. I think there’s an equal mix of them. There’s also the complicated relationship he has with his creator, who dislikes and is very critical of certain aspects of him while also loving him at the same time.

I’m not sure how this one would apply to my MC, since Alma is a synthetic and is his creators legacy through their work. So I guess that counts?

Social situations are very much Alma’s fish out of water experience. The more people the more out of his element he is. He struggles with social behaviors and understanding them, so you put him in the middle of a big party and he is likely going to have an emotional breakdown.

He’s more of a closed book, purposefully trying to conceal his emotions and shove them deep down because he’s afraid of them. That’s less because he doesn’t want to get close to others and more because he struggles with processing emotions. This and the fact that he isn’t human puts a disconnect between him and most other characters in the book. There are some, like Brook-Lynn, Errol, and Arda that can see through his walls though and read him easily, as if he were very transparent. It has more to do with personalities meshing well than his behavior, I think.

Alma hates that humans as a whole seem to be very unaccepting and hostile towards anything that is considered an “other” or different than them. Several people tell him that it’s human nature and people will never change, especially Errol. But that’s a very generalized view of them and excludes the individuals that are capable of change and acceptance, such as Brook-Lynn, who is a very accepting person and never saw him or any of the other synthetics as less than human.

Alma’s full name is simply his first name. Alma. He doesn’t like nicknames or aliases, so simply goes by Alma. He feels pretty neutral about his name until he looks up the origins of it and finds out what it means. Then he likes it a lot more. His name is derived from the hebrew word Almus, which means soul, or to nurture the soul. This ties in with the plot as he is a machine with a “soul” and nurtures that same quality in other synthetics like him.

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Let me do another character because while I do like talking about Pinti, I do get tired of talking about the same world and characters over and over :stuck_out_tongue:

Let’s do Michael from Alive At Crepusculum, and the sequel Dead By Sunrise. These books have been calling to me recently.

About Michael

Michael was born in a hospital in the state of Old Quarrie.

At the point of the sequel,
Mallord (father) is at a hotel in Iptaj, trying to find Michael.
Penelope (mother) is at home in Old Quarrie taking care of the house and their youngest child Rose.

Michael used to hang with Will Cooper, the leader of the Black Thorns gang and was involved in an incident of slave knapping.

The beginning of the series. I don’t show what’s going on with Michael until the middle of Book 1, but things are already going on with him.

Ordinary fifteen-year-old kid who is not afraid of demons. He does have extraordinary connections although he himself has no supernatural powers or anything.

He wants to reconnect with his father, he wants to save the slaves from being sacrificed to demons, and he wants to impress Shree, a runaway girl he meets in Iptaj. The last one has nothing to do with the plot :stuck_out_tongue:

Michael’s afraid of being left to die alone. He’s a lonely kid. His childhood was a bit complicated for a while because his father had to move them around a lot. His father used to be a renowned detective and because of enemies he made, couldn’t stay around the house a lot and couldn’t stay in one place.

Despite wanting to be tough and hanging with the wrong crowd, Michael is such a sweet boy. And he’s so good with his little sister Rose who has a disability. I would say though, he might be kinda adorkable :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, one of them :wink: Even befriends him.

Does Michael know that was the villain? He might guess, but that’s at the end, and by that time, that particular villain redeems himself a little bit, so it doesn’t really matter.

Oh yes, because the story is omniscient. I’m looking down from above at all these characters doing all these things and then telling their stories.

Shree hates Michael’s meekness (it’s actually his kindness :sweat_smile: ), but they warm up to each other overtime.

Well, no? Not really. Michael’s father was a renowned detective and that’s not a secret at all. And there’s nothing else.

He’d probably shut down until someone else takes the lead to ask the questions and stuff :sweat_smile: There are times when he can leap to action, but those times are only when he feels very strongly about something or when he’s super comfortable.

Closed book. Completely closed. He’s learned it’s safer that way.

He wants to abolish slavery. And he also wants a world where Rose can go to school.

Michael Beagle.
Nicknames: Biggy (from Rose and it comes from “big brother”), Mike, Mikey

Michael doesn’t have any thoughts about his name. It’s just a name.

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I must add, Pinti does have a nickname: Pinny

Her friends call her that.

She’s also called poocha, which means “dear” or “my dear” or “my little one” in Kattalunan language. But that’s from her parents and will likely stop after she comes into adulthood. Pinti calls her little sister poocha. It’s a common name of endearment.


Decided to complete the questionnaire for the main character (title-referenced character) of my first novel. To Fall for an Angel

…Some spoilers ahead…

Ashley Azaria

  1. Kiev, (Soviet) Ukraine. Although Ashley grew up in Russia she insists on being called Ukrainian.

  2. Artem (father), Joann (mother), Uric (younger brother). Ashley’s parents begin the story in prison, the result of arguing with the authorities and govt. at every opportunity. Ashely’s brother is on the run, somewhere in Hungary.

  3. No friends before the story. Ashley was often teased and ostracized at school (for being Jewish and albino). At the first chapter’s end, Ashley becomes friends with Naida (a Siberian girl and AWOL Army conscript), and Zorik (an Israeli mercenary / assassin).

  4. The story begins and ends with Ashley, told from her perspective, and at the same location. Although there’s about a year’s difference (story-time) between the first and last chapter.

  5. Both, kind of. Ashley is a full albino with hyper-sensitive hearing and sense of touch to account for her poor eyesight. Although kind and passive / adverse to violence, she is also unusually brave, iron-willed and fiercely protective. In this regard, she’s an equal to the other (ex-Special Forces) characters.

  6. Yep. She fears her family (and new friends) being hurt or killed. Ashley separated from her brother when they were fleeing into Europe to help him hide from the authorities…Ashley is easy to spot…

  7. See above.

  8. There was no mystery for Ashley. The story starts with Ashley being traded between Richmond and Rau, and being smuggled by Rau’s group into Europe. Rau had discovered trafficking pretty girls was more profitable than being a (Special Forces) Afrikaans soldier / mercenary…And fewer people complain when he executes captives…Not a nice chap.

  9. Ashley’s family become supporting characters throughout the story. And Ashley is reunited with her brother during a rescue and evacuation attempt, by Zorik’s employer (Karen) and her other mercenaries.

  10. Yasmine Armin (Bedouin assassin). Yasmine is Zorik’s ex-girlfriend, protegee, and his only equal in combat. Yasmine is a part of the mercenary team dispatched to rescue Zorik, reportedly severely wounded in a battle with (and last seen running from) Rau’s team. Yasmine is at first dismissive / distasteful / mildly hostile towards the ‘Ukrainian doll’ Zorik had acquired during his mission in Romania (to hunt and kill Richmond and Rau). By the story’s end, Yasmine had become equally dedicated to protecting both, and she recommends Ashley as Karen’s new aide / honorary Second-in-Command.

  11. Not that Ashley knows of. Most of her family’s history and heritage was destroyed during the Second War, and the Holocaust…The Soviet’s rule over Ukraine didn’t help either…

  12. Ashley’s new job. Being the personal assistant of an Israeli billionaire (Karen), and the moral compass to Karen’s band of mercenaries. Quite a change from her childhood (working poor), and her recent history of being a homeless captive.

  13. Open book. Ashley is solitary but not secretive. She is keen to make friends, and for them to trust her. In part because she wants someone to trust (and to remember her if she is killed).

  14. Ashley hates that evil people and bullies exist (esp. Rau), and that her family and friends are often threatened or hurt by them. Ashley knows she cannot change this fact, but she does try to limit the risk.

  15. Ashley is given several nicknames. Uric calls her ‘Dove’, Rau calls her ‘little ghost’, a tailor from the Foreign Legion calls her ‘Rusalka’, Zorik calls her ‘little angel’. The latter becomes her official call-sigh among Karen’s mercenaries. Ashley loves all her names, except the ghost one. These names (inc. Ashley) are references to her albinism.


You just explain the myth about human nature that people strongly try not to think about.

How did you do that?!
Seriously, I often think of that sometimes and I wonder if humanity truly knows that every human, every individual is different in personality, mannerism, and the way they see each other.

I never knew I could have another person say that, because NOT MANY PEOPLE SAY THAT!

I like Alma and the way you think, @Xelyn_Craft!


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Oooh, this looks like fun! But I’m only just starting this book, so I haven’t worked out all the details yet. ¯\_(ﭢ)_/¯


Where is your MC born? The city, the city, and/or the world?

I’m thinking this is a country in the same universe as my steampunk novel, and in fact a few characters from that book might make an appearance in this one at some point.

But I haven’t thought up a name for the country yet. It’ll be a country very similar to Ruritania.

Ruritanian romance - Wikipedia

Who are your main character’s parents and other close family members? Where are there family now in the story?

The mc’s parents are dead, and so his older brother has been crowned as king. Or maybe this will be a dukedom, I’m not sure yet. In any case, the only relative left alive is the mc’s brother, who rules the country.

Does your MC have a group of friends, that one friends, is trying to make friends or is a loner?

He’s a loner who wants to remain alone but has friends thrust upon him, and he figures out it’s what he’s needed all along.

At what point does the plot begin for your MC? The beginning, the middle, or close to the end?

The beginning, of course! I’ve never heard of a book where the mc’s story begins later. (=^ェ^=)

Is your MC ordinary or extraordinary at first? Do they remain that way as the story progresses?

He begins as an ordinary human being, but finds a book of magic and uses that to make himself immensely powerful, wealthy and attractive.

What does your MC want goal wise that isn’t connected to the plot?

Actually, I have no idea. Every goal he has is somehow connected to the plot.

What does your MC NOT want goal wise, but it is connected to the plot?

He doesn’t want to be the guardian of the other two main characters, plain jane Agatha Bracegirdle and her ravishing sister Charis

Does your MC fear anything? Do they have trauma? Did they have a childhood they were fond of or not?

Fear? No. Trauma? No. But all his life he’s lived in the shadow of his older brother, and he hates that.

Is your MC quirky, adorkable, that cool weirdo, or interesting in character?

I’m thinking he’s a Victorian inventor stereotype, the kind who would invent a rocket sled for skiing down hills in the winter time, and then wonder why it blew up in his face.

Has your MC met the villain, but had no idea that was the villain till chapters or books later?

Not sure yet whether there even IS a villain. Maybe the president of the country who declared war on them when his brother first ascended the throne…?

Has your MC’s friends and/or family return to the spotlight again after the focus went to the MC and their many adventures?

His friends and family are part of those adventures, so the spotlight is probably never really off them.

Are there characters that dislike or even hate your MC and it stays that way for a while or do they gradually soften towards the MC overtime?

I’m thinking that everyone fears him because of rumors that have circulated for years, but when they meet him in person they discover the rumors aren’t true.

Does the MC hail from a legacy that they never knew about till now? This doesn’t mean that they discover they are royalty or something along those lines. Like, they can come from a family of mages or a long line of famous bakers or something like that.

No, he always knew he was royalty, and he has no other legacy.

What will make your MC feel like a fish out of water? Like, how would they react being in a location or situation they had no concept of or is completely ignorant about?

He only feels like that when he’s around people, and he’s found a way around that by using magic to build a floating castle in the clouds.

In terms of people or rather other characters trying to understand your MC, is your MC like a closed book or an open one?

He’s very secretive and closed, and no one knows his true plan until the very end

In the fictional world or even Earth, is there something that your MC hates about that world that they wish they could change, but is often told by many people that it isn’t possible?

I’m thinking he only hates that he can’t change human nature.

What is the MC’s full name? Do they have nickname or some alias? Do they like or hate their name? Is there a secret behind the name that might tie in with the plot or not at all?

For now, I’m thinking his name is Philbert Dodsworth Bottomley, Marquis of Bumbershoot, but that might change if I think of a funnier name. I’m thinking he hates his name and tries to come up with a cooler one, but fails. Don’t think there’s a secret behind the name, but you’ve given me food for thought on that…


Well, I don’t believe in absolutes in anything, and this is a great example of that. Some people are not capable of change and others are. Stating that it’s human nature to be incapable of change is simply not true. It’s generalized statements like that, that lead to stigmas. Each individual is different and some will surprise you and break from the stereotype.



Mateo Mendez. He likes his name because there isn’t another Mateo Mendez, and there is no secret behind the name. It’s just Matthew in Spanish.

  • Where is your MC born? The city, the city, and/or the world?

Angel Falls, California.

  • Who are your main character’s parents and other close family members? Where are there family now in the story?

He lives with his Dad, Mateo Sr. (called Sr. in the story) and his non identical twin sister, Marisol. His mom left when he was 13-14, and it took him a while to overcome her departure.

  • Does your MC have a group of friends, that one friends, is trying to make friends or is a loner?

He mostly hangs around with Ricky, Chuck and Jay, and sometimes Tito and his ‘brotherhood’.

  • At what point does the plot begins for your MC? The beginning, the middle, or close to the end?

From the beginning, like them all? :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Is your MC ordinary or extraordinary at first? Do they remain that way as the story progresses?

He’s a sensitive teenager who is into George Michael, Depeche Mode and art. And he’s very emotional, and looks out for his friends. I dislike this whole extraordinary/ordinary thing a lot. It should’t be a question. :smiley: Your character is who they are, regardless of skill level.

  • What does your MC want goal wise that isn’t connected to the plot? What does your MC NOT want goal wise, but it is connected to the plot?
  • He wants to go to a good art college (okay, that’s kinda connected) and to have happiness (not connected).

  • He doesn’t want a crush on a certain someone. But that is connected to the plot, from chapter 7 onwards. It will become obvious as time goes on.

  • Does your MC fear anything? Do they have trauma? Did they have a childhood they were fond of or not?
  • Getting fully outed, and people finding out he’s not who he is.

  • Nope, this isn’t A Little Life. It’s a teen drama/romance.

  • Mateo’s childhood was fine.

  • Is your MC quirky, adorkable, that cool weirdo, or interesting in character?

Obviously, he’s a Churroverse :tm: character! :smiley:

  • Has your MC met the villain, but had no idea that was the villain till chapters or books later?

Yes, actually. It all goes back to the chapter 6 link.

  • Has your MC’s friends and/or family return to the spotlight again after the focus went to the MC and their many adventures?

What is this? Legend of Zelda? His friends and family have always been there during his adventures! :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Are there character that dislike or even hate your MC and it stays that way for a while or do they gradually soften towards the MC overtime?


  • Does the MC hail from a legacy that they never knew about till now? This doesn’t mean that they discover they are royalty or something along those lines. Like, they can come from a family of mages or a long line of famous bakers or something like that.

NO. People can write non-fantasy stories too you know :smiley: Well, his Dad has a taqueria. And he wants Mateo to follow the legacy as well. But he’s not fond of that.

  • What will make your MC feel like a fish out of water? Like, how would they react being in a location or situation they had no concept of or is completely ignorant about?

Chapter 6 ;D Nah, a few things, especially the awkward encounters along the way (not looking to spoil anything majorly).

  • In terms of people or rather other characters trying to understand your MC, is your MC like a closed book or an open one?

Depends on the person. Around his dad, closed. Around Ricky, Ricky’s Pops, and all his friends, quite open actually lol.

  • In the fictional world or even Earth, is there something that your MC hates about that world that they wish they could change, but is often told by many people that it isn’t possible?

The desert climate. It messes with his hair and baby soft skin :stuck_out_tongue:


Let’s go with one of my few stories that isn’t fanfiction-

And the character is Greta.

A kingdom called Reino, in a fantasy world called Fantasie.

Mother (Anna), father (Otto), grandfather (Leon), aunt (Maria), and sister (Elisabeth). Everyone except her mother make apperances several times, her mother is only mentioned in flashbacks or her or her family talking about her because she (Anna) died.

Three friends: Carlos, Chloe, and George.

She fears failure, or doing anything that upsets her friends. She has trauma from seeing several people in the kingdom get killed in a battle, and her childhood was hard because her mom was poisoned when she was still a kid.

Yes, because the villian is actually her grandfather.

Two characters: Ren and Fox. Fox only mildly dislikes her, and softens towards her quickly, but Ren has more hate and it takes her longer (but she eventually softens towards her, too.)

It depends. If she trusts the person enough she’ll tell them more things, otherwise she’s more closed off.

Greta Mitte Zuletzt. She likes her name.

and yes, lots of these were made with the help of Google Translate. I am not creative-

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Idk why I get recommended these interesting topics which haven’t been on the front page for a long time, but I do :stuck_out_tongue:

@Qualeshia12 I shall return with answers about Eryn next time :wink:

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Eryn was probably born in New Soleil. I haven’t thought about if she moved there from elsewhere or not :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, we have mom, who own’s an antique business, and dad who is an office manager at a printing company. No idea about names :stuck_out_tongue: In the story, they are alive and well and dealing with mom’s side grandma’s dementia.

Eryn’s only friend is Celeste. She’s never tried to make any other friends in high school mainly because Celeste never let her.

By the end of Chapter 1 when grandma dies.

She thought she was ordinary but apparently she had some kind of magical power that does not show itself.

She wants a boyfriend and it’s not connected to the plot :smirk: She’s not looking to be some fantastical fantasy character, but it’s connected to the plot, so she has no choice :stuck_out_tongue:

She fears comas. The idea of going to sleep and never waking up again terrifies her.

Eryn is none of the first three. She’s lost herself a little bit because of Celeste and in the story, she’s slowly finding it again. I suppose she is interesting though.

Oh she knows who the villain is from the start. What she didn’t know was who the true mastermind was.

Yes, they do come out again :blush:

Maybe Sisha. Sisha does soften overtime I suppose. But she’s like that with everyone :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, she does hail from a legacy. But she doesn’t exactly find out what that legacy is even at the end. It’s just that unclear and random.

The first half of Eryn’s adventures, she feels like that XD She’s in denial that it’s real in the beginning, and then she goes into “poor me stuck in here” victim mode, and then she decides to do something about it while being scared.

Semi-closed. It’s how she’s been taught to act to be a popular girl.

While she’s in Underland or Upperland, she always wishes people would give her straight answers. Forget the weird creatures and customs. Just some straight answers, please!

But will the people give them to her? Nope :stuck_out_tongue:

Eryn Maryanna Kingsly. Eryn doesn’t like her middle name because it comes from her grandmother. Eryn says “it sounds old”. She also doesn’t like that her name is not “Erin” and she has to say “It’s Eryn, spelled with a y”.

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I shall tackle this later.

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Tackle it any time :grin:

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