Horror movies (& books) [let's talk]

I never heard of that movie. I see it’s pretty old, 1977. Do you watch a lot of older horror movies rather than the recent stuff?

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No this is the 2018 remake.

There’s a similar older movie called No Child of Mine that came out in the 70s though, set in England, I believe.

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@Qualeshia12 @Xelyn_Craft sounded familiar to me, too. Maybe it was part of a preview when I watching other movies. It came out in 2008, and they made a sequel in 2010. Idk how well it did or anything. I know I haven’t seen it.

(from wiki)


You might enjoy these then :grin: My weird and mysterious things Pinterest board.

The sheep is kind of a silly one though :stuck_out_tongue:

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Have you seen Midsommar?
@Xelyn_Craft @NotARussianBot @CoffeebyNight

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I watched my partner play Subnautica and also listened to a full creature introduction of it, so I’m familiar with the weirdness.

If you’ve played it, you might enjoy this video? It’s an hour long, so think of it as for movie night :grin:

So, when you say “something a little different” do you mean in terms of the creatures that come out or the plot itself? Do you have any favorite horror movies or books?

I know a bit about it but I haven’t seen it myself. It is the exemplary modern folk horror.

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I seen that. That movie was bizarre and fucking messed up at the ending.

Like holy shit, I wasn’t expecting that.


What about any of the movies based on Stephen King books? IT, Carrie, Mist, The Shining?

Or any of the M. Night Shyamalan horrors like The Visit, Lady in the Water, The Village, OLD, Split, etc.

I’m for this :grin: In your opinion, what has been a good weird movie? What’s weird for you?


To keep away from spoilers, I’m not going to get into the ending, but yeah, it was all kinds of shocking weird stuff, huh?

I watched a lot of breakdowns of the movie after that to understand the true meaning of the ending. While I do understand it now, it’s still pretty messed up :sweat_smile:


For real, like huh and what!

When I was heavily on YouTube I would watch this YouTuber called FoundFlix who does a lot of horror movie breakdowns, trying to unravel the ending.

I don’t know if he did one for that movie. Somebody might’ve done one.


Okay guys,

@Qualeshia12 @NotARussianBot @MatthewJH @CoffeebyNight @Xelyn_Craft

Have any of you seen
Get Out
Deliver Us From Evil (2014)
The Gift
The Perfect Host
The Witch (2015)
We Are What We Eat (2013)
Sinister (2012)
Friday the 13th (1980)

I also want to know if anyone watches or likes sci-fi horror or really dark fantasy like Pan’s Labyrinth.


You should check. There’s a lot out there :grin:


My mom doesn’t like Pan’s Labyrinth for…a lot of reasons, but she did like Natural Born Killers when she was younger lol.


What I do HATE seeing in horror films that involve monsters and supernatural is this:

  1. One survivor escapes from the hell they’ve endured, without their group of friends.

Like I get it and this happens in Ritual, but that shit has to be hard to get back from. I mean the guy witnessed every paranormal shit that he probably never thought existed and lost his friends in the process. HOW IS HE SUPPOSE TO TELL HIS FAMILY AND THEIR FAMILIES? All the therapy in the world can change that and forgetting won’t be easy either.

  1. Everyone dies the first time and second…and third.

This one is tricky, because if a team goes missing, they have to unravel what happened. So, another group goes in to figure things out only to die, if there isn’t a survivor mentally unstable, if not a third team. It feels like a vicious cycle of expendable people to unravel some madness that killed them. I feel it is best if they don’t send people out there and close it off…somehow.

  1. Pregnant women and children.

Call me heartless, but I can’t stand this. I get that might play on the whole hope thing and children are the future nonsense, but seriously pregnant women and children that can’t fight back with weapons or their own fist. No! Like I don’t understand why add that in the movie.


I’m trying to avoid going to YouTube, by not returning to old habits.
I don’t want to get sucked back into endless doom scrolling and misery.

So, I stay away from it all together. Sorry.


I think I’d watch pretty much anything psychological horror, but I’m not really sure. Just depends on what strikes my fancy. I do know there’s a lot of overlap with thriller and horror as well, but honestly, I don’t really get the distinction.

That’s the one, the mirrors movie, I recognize the cover.

I have not seen midsomar yet. It’s one on my watch later list.


I have not seen any of these either, but I do enjoy scifi horror. The Alien movies are a favorite cult classic of mine. I haven’t seen pans labrynth but I want to.


Something a little different as in horror in computer games, not in books or movies.


Yeah it was pretty good. Anything A24 do will be good imo