Horror movies (& books) [let's talk]

I just rewatched The Nun. I remembered a lot of things before they happened, so it was less scary than the first time I saw it in theaters, so I was able to notice little details I missed the first time. I was also able to enjoy the setting and the acting.

Anyway, does anyone want to talk about horror movies? The Nun is like old-school gothic horror. Do you prefer that or something with a more modern take where the phone rings and there’s a demon breathing on the other end of it? Do you like the kinds of movies where a group of people go somewhere and get haunted on?

What do you think about zombies? Is that horror or sci-fi?

What about psychological horror? The kinds where no one is possessed, but something is off about a person? (The Gift comes to mind here)

Let’s talk about horror movies (and books) and what we like, don’t like, are tired of seeing, or want to mini-rant about without spoilers as much as possible. I think it can be done.

Btw, I watch horror more than I read it, but if you want to talk about themes or trends in horror books, feel free to. I just might not be able to chime in much.


I like the idea of cosmic horror…a lot.


I also like monsters with these bizarre ass designs.

And this one…


I know too much, I follow soooo many youtube channels on the topic.


Love the bizarre monster designs, especially that one posted above from the ritual. But I tend to like psychological horror more than gore/body horror. Has more of an impact on me personally. I’ve kind of gotten desensetized to most body horror because gore is so over done and the idea of death as horrir is so over done. Give me something worse than death and that will actually make me think.


Yeah, I agree!

The one above that is even wilder because it look like some creepy ass veil with arms and shit. Lol!


Something like this?

Something along those lines, yeah.

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The J-Horror movie known as House is proof that elementary school children should be consultants on the Conjuring Franchise.


Which horror movie has pulled that off pretty well for you?
I am curious to know.

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I only saw it once and it’s been a long time, so I don’t know if it aged well, but there was a movie called mirrors that really messed me up when I saw the ending. It was also kind of my first introduction to horror movies so take it with a grain of salt, but I still get uneasy around mirrors, especially in the dark.


Mirrors? That sounds familiar for some reason.


Something a little different. Two of my favourite computer games with horror elements are Subnautica and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl.

There are some missions and monsters in the STALKER game that made me very keen to complete every other side quest first before activating the missions, regardless of my characters’ firepower and armour…even during my fifth play-through…

P.S. Don’t use headphones for either game.


I like all types of horror, but the more mainstream ones (The Nun, Conjuring, Paranormal Activity) tend not to wow me - they get diluted a lot, usually. They aren’t bad films at all, though, pretty good! I’m not sure what my favorite horror movie genre is, I’m a biiiiiig fan of home invasion and slasher, though. Not a fan of sci-fi horror. :frowning:

Depends entirely on the film. 28 Days Later is a classic zombie horror.

These are fun!

I honestly want (need?) more horrors to get weeeeeeird, and need companies like Blumhouse to stop diluting their movies to make them more palatable. Terrifier does just fine imo, we don’t need bland rehashes every year (going to see The Strangers Chapter 1 tomorrow, and I hope it’s as good as the original)


Oh, and I somehow forgot about found footage. I LOVE found footage! I genuienely watched Hell House LLC three times in the space of 2 months recently, once for fun, once because I was marathoning all 4 Hell House films for the Hell House 4 release, and then again with my partner.

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Any of your major thoughts or ideas about the genre?


What is so fascinating to you about those creatures, you think?

I also like those kinds of extremely weird creatures.


The design is just bizarre…love bizarre.


Horror is an amazing medium for satire and social commentary.

I think my favorite horror movie is Girl Lost, very heavy, not the sort of thing you watch for a slumber party.


I like this.

Death is really overdone :sweat_smile: It is terrible and can be sad, but they sure do it a lot in horror movies. It’s the movies where no one dies, but where there’s this overall sense of dread, the ones that seem like they could happen in real life that can be scarier. Are there any particular kinds of psychological horror you like or would you watch anything as long as its psychological horror?

I also notice that sometimes psychological horror overlaps with mystery and thriller. Some movies I thought were horror are in the thriller section in the store. Do you think there’s any distinction between psychological horror and thriller?