How do you keep track of the characters you introduce in your story series?

Just curious.

Do you write them down along with what they do in the story? You don’t, but you keep that in mind? Just torture myself by not?

Thoughts and feelings?



Notion (free app).


Wait, you keep track of characters?
Why’d did I ever think that you didn’t?

I’m sorry.

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How else am I gonna know who’s who? :joy: on Notion, I have templates like these I made:

This is the character section that keeps track of all the main characters. If you click on one of their names, it links you to their character page:

And when you click on one of the questions, it opens up a drop down menu that tells you more about the character:

For me, it’s the best way to keep track of them and remember things about them if you have to.


Don’t know, honestly. LOL!

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Notion is easy to use. You can link documents to documents and it’s simple. Never gets boring either.

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I’ve heard of Notion, I just never thought to use it…

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You should. It’s free and you can download the app for windows Mac android and iPhone


I use Chrome, but I can still look and see.

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Maybe. Go check. It also has a web app AFAIK.

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Nah, I can go on to the website on Google.
I don’t need an app, except for my phone.

Thanks again!

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a huge list. that’s it. and then have a separate page in a google doc in each list and have all their hopes, dreams, fears, etc on that doc.


Just in notes…

Name, Race, Role, and a little bit of history/backstory… Then I has a little something to go on from there…



I organize everything the old school way, just in text files inside folders. ¯\_(ﭢ)_/¯



Originally paper. Then word document. Now excel file


I torture myself a lot XD

I have a place to write them down, but in the heat of the moment, I forget…and then forget for a long time, and then later see a name in the story and go to my notes to remember who this was at the time of writing, and then see no notes and think, “oh darn, I forgot to write about this character in my notes! UGH, what was I thinking? What was I thinking? What do they look like? Nothing. Remember!”

But even in my notes, it’s just really basic stuff or whatever I thought of at the moment of adding them which is usually the moment I created them. Name, last name if they have one at that moment, relation to MC if any, and any physical features, and just what are they doing? (a.k.a the role in the story, or the role in that one scene moment).

I might refine my notes during editing if I remember to do that :crazy_face:


That’s impressive and so organized :open_mouth:


Is it? :joy:


YES :clap: