I’ve been writing at night for the most part (and typically on my weekends) so my routine of preparation is as follows:
- Take a shower.
I like feel refreshed before writing because it makes me feel cozy. And this isn’t only taking a shower, but I’ll sometimes do a face mask to make me feel extra clean. Lol. But this allows me to put on pajamas and feel like it’s a slumber party lol.
- Watch a writing video.
I don’t always do this, but if I am going to wear a face mask or maybe have a snack (like a dessert), I’ll watch a writing vlog or a writing advice video on YouTube while I eat or wait to finish my mask. Otherwise, I skip this and move onto three.
- Find a cozy ambience on YouTube and light candles.
I share a bedroom with my little sister and she doesn’t like light or noise when she sleeps. When it was just my bedroom, I used to write in there on my desk and light like six or so candles for the ambience, but now I write in my living room, and because I do this, I turn a cozy ambient screen on (usually a library, bookstore, or cafe scene with a fireplace and maybe some soft jazz in the background but I like the rain and snow sounds) and sometimes light a candle.
- Get a drink.
Monsters are my go-to drink, so I often drink them during my writing sessions. But I don’t always have them, so I’ll either pour a glass of grape juice, a soda if there’s some lying around, or something else.
- Write.
After all is said and done, I’ll open the manuscript and get going on it.
But I’ve written outside the home where I’ll take my laptop to a cafe and write there. And for that, some of my routine is the opposite lol.
Because I now work during the day, I am scheduled twice within the week later in the morning (it typically is an 8-5 job, but I get two days within the week where I work between 10-7), and if I decide to wake up kind of early to get myself ready for work and go get chai, I’ll bring my laptop with me. Otherwise, I’ll sometimes wake up early on my weekend to get ready to go to the cafe to write as well. I’m hoping to actually do that tomorrow lol because my favorite cafe is closed today. But my routine for this is…
Freshen myself up. I’ll sometimes take a shower in the morning so I can brush my hair and make it manageable. Otherwise, I’ll do my makeup and just look nice in general.
Order an iced chai latte, and if I’m at my favorite cafe, I’ll also order a warmed blueberry muffin. I don’t care what the weather is, I’ll always get an iced chai, especially since I hate coffee. And muffins are perfect because the cafe here doesn’t only have amazing muffins but it’s just a perfect snack in the morning, especially when I don’t eat breakfast.
Find a seat by a window. I love writing by windows, especially when it’s snowing or raining. c: