How to go about getting Developmental Editing clients?

For a while now, I have been studying Developmental Editing from a variety of sources and finally think I am ready to give it a go.
But now that I am here, I am finding it hard to find clients to get Reviews from.
I am willing to offer Sample Edits and a full Developmental Edit at less than 1/10th the base price of other beginning editors.

Where can I find writers willing to give me a chance, despite offering Free Sample Edits and a negligibly-low free for more than a week of work?


You could try IG. Make an editor account there and follow some writers who might be working on their draft. Advertise your editing services as posts, maybe even post something about how you work (as in the process), where they can find you (if you have a website or other social media), and your rates.

I usually find editors through IG or Facebook, but Facebook writing groups don’t allow you to advertise most of the time. I’d try IG.

To keep your IG account fresh, maybe post some editing tips weekly or something. You can schedule posts on IG.

When people come to you for your services, ask them if they would be willing to write a testimonial (basically, they would say what it was like to work with you). Let them know the testimonial will be made public. You can put those on your account or on your website. Most people would be willing to write one.

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