How to utilize index cards for story note taking?

I do apologize if this seems like a weird question, but I got nice size index cards and don’t know what to write on them.

I mean the goal is to jot down notes for Project MH and even Project RG, along with whatever the third story project will be.

Though I don’t know what to jot down exactly. It’s dumb because I can just write anything and yet I don’t even know what notes to write down.

I am stumped for the silliest reason.

Thoughts and feelings?

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I haven’t done this since I was taking notes in college.

But what I suggest, since it’s an easy start, is short character sheets. The bare basics of the character, that you can look up at a moment’s notice, when writing something about their appearance.
Same thing for places and things that will come up several times but maybe you won’t be describing them a ton.


Hmm…would it help you out a bit if I told you that I am taking notes before I even start the story?

So, I am in the zero-drafting stage of Project MH and the others. Although I would prefer if I focused on the two at the moment, since the third isn’t hitting me yet.

I think I am trying to jot down whatever ideas come to mind on the index card.

But what you states makes sense. Things pertaining to the characters, setting, and plot.

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You can do other stuff, just make sure you stay thematic so you’re only writing one thing on one card. So if it’s “chapter 1 stuff” but it covers a tower, a forest, and the big city, you need at leas 3 cards to break that up, right?


Ah, alright. Yeah, I have plenty index cards,
To be frank, I have too many notebooks and paper in general.

Yeah…I don’t have a problem??? :sweat_smile:


I’d still have a ton of that if I did not have kids.


LOL! :laughing:

Ah, what impulsive buying does to me!

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Never really used index cards that much so not sure if I can help


Aww… :slightly_frowning_face:

Oh, well thank you for answering!

By the way, what do you use for note taking, if you use anything?

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Random scraps of paper, sticky notes, multiple notepads

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Alrighty then. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Anybody else???

When I first started using index cards for my projects, I found myself staring at them blankly too. One trick that helped me was to jot down key ideas or questions related to each project. It’s like brainstorming on paper! Also, have you tried using something like It’s handy for organizing thoughts digitally, especially when you’re exploring different project angles.

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Thanks. I thought I would never see this thread again. :sweat_smile: