I can't wait for Project Succession's second draft!

I don’t think I can wait to start the second draft, I seriously want to do it now. With all the changes that I made to the plot and characters, I don’t think waiting is going to help me. I am far too eager and no other novel projects are as engaging to me as Project Succession. Someday that will change, I will always want more stories in Alagossia.

I am so tired of waiting that I just want to write something related to Project Succession. I had the most fun with that story, too much fun! I miss that in a weird way.

So, I want to start it now, because I don’t think I can see myself waiting like everyone else. I am not like the others, I can’t wait for that long. I need to do something, I truly enjoyed this story far more than any other story.

That is all I wanted to share with you all, I just want to go back to this story, I miss it so much.

I am not waiting till January to start the second draft. I will start it next week in December, so I give myself a bit of time to do some plotting and planning.

I am impatient, very much so! That is fine!

I gave myself a break from mid October till now and I am happy/proud of myself for that.

Thoughts and feelings?



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Excitement is a good sign!


I am tired of holding it off till some time in January.

I miss writing it! I want to keep that momentum going for the second draft and beyond that!


Striking while the iron is hot is always a good idea! I envy you for being so excited about it. I’m trying to get excited about mine again, but it’s not happening at the moment. (♯^.^ღ)


Thanks so much!

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Ugh! Why am I second guessing the plot for the story of Project Succession?

I am honestly unsure what I need to do. I keep writing yet I am unsure of where I want to go with it in a way.

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Another Update:

I scrapped that shit! Bah, it was terrible!


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Working in a passion is a great idea for ADHD. That motivates better than most anything else.


I soon realized that the idea that I had for the second draft was never going to work. I hated that I want Aeris to be a surgeon, yet I had to give the original idea a bit of a twist to have it work in my favor.

I scrapped the student wanting to be a special type of doctor idea to go back to the Knight idea, just gave it a twist.

Thank goodness for that.