"I don't have the heart to spew vulgar words and slander!"

Does anyone have that character who is incapable of cursing no matter how angry they are or say mean things when they are in the right? Not only that, the character in nature, just was taught that curse words are bad and has grown up seeing no point in uttering vulgarities.

Their insult are childish to many people and it’s just that cursing and saying harsh vulgarities aren’t in their nature. However, they are surrounded by people (or some person) who can curse up a storm of swear words and other vulgarities, when they can not.

Eventually, that character might shout a vulgar word, which causes the other characters to stare in utter shock/disbelief/fear.

Yet, it will be a long while till that character voices a vulgar word or a curse word, or it might not ever happen.

So, do you have a character who just can’t say curse words or any vulgar word period?


Used to.

Pinti used to be a character who didn’t use any curse words other than her nonsensical made-up one.

But as I developed her character, it made more sense for her to pick them up because she would train with warriors.


Is Pinti constantly cursing or saying random curse words here and there?

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Not constant. She prefers not to especially when she’s around friends and her little sister. Sort of like it comes out when she’s around warriors.


One of my main characters is a tiny black kitten who’s not allowed to swear ever


(Though it would be hilarious if she did, just once :blush:)


Aww! How cute!


Do I have a character incapable of swearing? Well, I’m an Australian author soooooooooo no. They all swear. It’s just some swear less than others




For The Endurlon, no, well, yes… But they are curses of mildness such as “For the love of Mara!” and other such quotes of that ilk.

For other works, yes, and no. Children’s stuff, No!

For ICE, yes, and lots of it. But that is because of the Soldiers who are in it… Squaddies are known for such use of profanities…



Look if she did swear, it’d be like this:


My main character has a strong dislike of vulgarity in general, so he doesn’t swear and wouldn’t unless he was seriously upset. So far in my writing he’s never used any profanity.


Does he hang around people who use swear and vulgar words, even if a little bit?

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Some people, yeah. At least one comes to mind that frequently swears and uses vulgar language all the time. Most of the pwople only use it a regular amount though.


Ah, I see! I can see that Alma avoids that certain person because of their constant swearing, right?

Yeah, he tries to avoid him at first, because of it, and the fact that this person also doesn’t like him. Eventually they overcome their differences and become friends though.

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No :rofl: for me it’s the opposite. Too many people curse. Lara is sooo one of them. She tries to be the good guy and fails miserably.

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Tho i think that’s one of those things that I find a little off-putting about her. Might change that actually.

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