I finally have my printed first draft of Project Succession!

Now, I get to do some plotting and planning for draft 3. Thank goodness for my mother’s job printer!

So, I actually wanted a physical copy of my second draft. I’d rather have it in my hands than to edit from a screen, that hurts me when I try to do it that way and I just hate doing it that way. I get the whole saving trees and the planet bit, I just hate editing by screen, I work better with the physical thing. It’s my personal preference and it feels better this way.

Anyway, I put it all in a binder. Though I noticed that the earlier pages are front to back while the other pages aren’t, no biggie.

That being said, I need to figure out how I want to edit things for the third draft. I have plenty of notebooks, to jot down notes then add it to hivewords or to hold for my liking.

I don’t want to highlight anything, maybe understand in different colors with pens. I screw up that way, don’t ask me how.

However, I am always looking for tips and advice from people who do some plotting and planning.

I may have to push back the start of draft 3 for Project Succession to mid-February. I am still working on other stories that I want to continue.

Thoughts and feelings?



I know that some of you aren’t extreme plotters, or even close to being a plotter, maybe you are a planster, or just a pantser. I get that, I also just wanted to strike a bit of a conversation, since I am realizing that I am taking this writing thing seriously, even when it doesn’t seem that way.


I hear many professional editors say they print out their client’s manuscripts and read them out loud. Last I saw elsewhere, you were reading it out loud, so I guess you’re on the right track?


Nah, don’t say that it doesn’t seem that way :stuck_out_tongue: Claim it! I always thought you were serious because you said you were :wink: What looks serious is different for everyone, I think. But if you say “I’m a serious writer!” then you must be.


Thanks so much.

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Honestly, for me, I wrote down all the changes I wanted to make, and then I started writing from scratch the second draft, using my notes as a reference. That was my process, but it may not be the best one for you.


It a bit too late, another thing is that I am liking how I do it.

Don’t know if its the correct way or not, yet I am happy editing it.

That felt weird to say. :sweat_smile::rofl:


I figured as much. That’s okay, everyone has different approaches and you should definitely do what works best for you!

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Sounds like a good idea! I did something similar in that I turned what I have into an ebook and put it on my Kindle so I can read it as if it’s a real book. I just prefer that to reading print. Also I can click text to speech and have my Kindle read it aloud to me so it’s easier to catch errors. But so far I’ve only been making frivolous edits, like changing the names of certain characters. ¯\_(ﭢ)_/¯

I did print out some of my notes in the hope that it would inspire me to work on my outline some more, but so far that hasn’t happened yet. Too many things on my mind lately! (♯^.^ღ)

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Thanks so much!

I always liked writing things out…sorta. LOL!

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If this works for you, then run with it!

I and many others will have differing ways, but each to their own…

I had a works printer that I could use for such things, but it has since been recalled… I uses to print off physicals of my “single chapter fantasy” children’s tales and gift them for Birthday or Xmas gifts… It was often then that I would find edit moments and rework stuff before re-printing…

There is still something lovely about having a physical copy in your hand… Isn’t there?


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Indeed! :smiling_face:

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