It was the day before I learned about the passing of Akira Toriyama, RIP manga legend.
In it, Dragonball was created by Neil Gaiman, a little bit in the style of his Sandman series. I can’t give specifics but everything about it was wrong. Just wrong.
So I was wondering if you’ve ever wondered what would have happened if a completely different person wrote your favorite stories. I think I’d like to see Rick Riordan take on Journey to the West one day.
First of all, I’m sorry for your loss. I know you didn’t know him, but we do grieve for beloved celebrities who pass on, so don’t disregard any feelings of sadness about it. It’s perfectly okay to feel bad for strangers who die.
Secondly, yes! I’ve had weird dreams and conscious thoughts, though not nightmares, about totally different people creating certain works. Like what would Alice in Wonderland be like if Stephen King had written it? Or what if some romance writer had worked on screenplays for The Wild Wild West ?
I’ve been informed that Mr. Sandman has a library of books that were never written. I also assume he may have a separate library for books that were made in alternate universes.
Ahahaha but to be fair to fanfic writers, it’s not necessarily because I think they’ll butcher the original work… it’s just wrong in my head, regardless of quality, if that makes sense lol
More like, imagine if Disney during the 1940s did Aladdin. If you compare classic disney to rennaissance disney, you’ll see how different it could really be!
a little bit ago when I went downstairs to boil milk, some girls were talking about Goku, don’t know if actual Goku or someone who’s username somewhere is Goku