I have an appointment with a neurologist later today, super scared and worried! [SUPPORT NEEDED]

I am going to a neurologist appointment later today, I am very nervous and panicky over the whole thing.

This appointment is the first day for me to hopefully get my foot further in the door. I need to sign papers and even discuss things with people. Yet for the next appointment, I am worried about if I will get another appointment. I don’t know what these types of situations bring as I am new to this. I am scared and panicked about this.

I just want to know what I am getting into along with if I am okay to go back. This first visit will determine if I am able to get the diagnosis in the long run for my AuDHD and anything else that I haven’t looked into. So, I am scared that my mask (what I wear to keep others from knowing I have a serious problem) won’t come off and I show the person that I am normal and fine! I don’t know how to unmask when I am in situations, due to trauma and fear.

I honestly don’t know what will happen at this appointment, I am just so scared and worried.

Thoughts and feelings?


I am not looking for advice, just to talk to someone in order to calm down my nerves a bit.


This is a big deal, I can see why you are so nervous. But the examiners should be well-trained and understand how you feel.


I genuinely hope so! I genuinely hope these people can pick up on things in a way that will make me understand that they take their job seriously!

Yeah, I am freaking out! I can’t even relax because of the appointment!


Oooh, doctor appointments are always scary. I have no idea what happens during neurological exams, so what did Google bring up for you? If it involves an MRI or blood tests or something physical like that, I wouldn’t worry about unmasking. Your body can’t hide physical problems from medical equipment. If it’s just consulting with a specialist, then how is it a neurological exam rather than just counseling? Counseling isn’t going to tell them anything about your physical health, so it must be more than that. So I wouldn’t worry about unmasking. You’ll be fine! And it’ll be great to finally know for certain just what’s wrong with you, eh? And much easier to get housing, prescriptions and everything else you need once you have an official paper from a specialist. Good luck! You can do this! ( -.-)\(^◡^ )


It involves all of that and more.


Oh, excellent! (*^-‘) 乃

Then it’ll be thorough, and you’ll get a definitive answer for once. That must be such a relief after all this time! ( ˆ◡ˆ)۶ ٩(˘◡˘ )




You deserve to treat yourself afterward.


With the hell I went through before learning anything, I sure fucking do!



Today was a fucking mess of being stressed and overwhelmed. I did get dates for testing and whatnot.

So, I cried about it when I got home.


As someone who has been seeing a neurologist for years, it’s so relieving when you find a good one so I’m hoping the one you went to believed you instead of pulling the “it’s all in your head” bs. If they pull that card, my advice is to say “of course it’s all in my head. That’s why I’m seeing a neurologist”. Tends to shut them up in my experience :joy:

Getting tests is usually a good first sign


Thank you.

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Sorry I missed this.

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It’s fine.

That was a stressful day for me! I am glad things happened.

Well, yeah, you need things to move so you’re not stuck in a loop.

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Sorry for a late reply, but let me know how you got on.


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Through my insurance helping me out.

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