I need suggestions for a new Wattpad username

Hi there, everyone! I know I made a new topic not too long ago about helping me come up with a name for my character (thank you to those who helped!) but I’m back again because I need more help :joy:

This time it’s not related to my books or writing, at least. I figured to spice things up and add into the world of the interesting (I hope this topic is interesting :face_with_monocle:)

I want to change my username from dj_thecrazycatlady to something else but with the theme of cats, since I’m a ailurophile but a lot of the names I wanted are already taken. Any suggestions welcome, and appreciated.

Other factors to consider too:
I’m a gamer and once went by the username impishlyawarlock (mild miss that one tbh and it’s pretty much the only username where I was creative), I love milk tea, tea, and iced coffee. Also my Instagram handle is mycatsplaywithpages (if all else fails, I’ll probably end up using it lol)

That’s pretty much it, at the moment. Thank you so much for your time. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.


caffeinated cat lady :smirk:


Although I like this, I don’t think it would be a good choice, since it’s too similar to the one I have already :slight_smile: What I will do with this however, is use it at the end of my announcements on Wattpad <3

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Do you like Castlevania? Catslevania isn’t taken yet. ¯\_(ﭢ)_/¯

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Oof. I’ve never seen it :frowning: I heard it was good, though!

I was tempted to just name my account meow but it has to be longer than four letter :sob:


I second this

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Miss Cat Latte?

Welp, I tried…


Hold up. Wait a minute.

I actually like this :joy:

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It’s not even taken either. I’m going with this because it’s oddly cute :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: many thanks :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes_cat:

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Wow, and I just made things up!

You’re welcome! :blush:

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The change has been made. I’m so darn happy you have no idea. :heartbeat:


No problem, just surprised and glad I helped. :blush: