I regret never allowing myself a long fanfiction phase!

I genuinely regret never having a longer fanfiction phase. I honestly think I would’ve done better and had a greater time if I stuck with writing fanfiction of my favorite anime, manga, and webcomics in novel format to eventually get to the point where I write original fiction that was inspired by my favorites.

I hate myself for never allowing that phase of my life to grow into something. I feel like I wasted my time trying to be unique and different, yet I had nothing to show for it.

All those years on pondering my own original idea and struggling so hard. It wasn’t just my AuDHD that made that a challenge, because writing fanfiction made that simpler in some way.

Project Succession and my Naivin novel are examples of stories not inspired by ANYTHING other than I just want to be different and special. Yes, I am glad I finished those stories, but I also like to think I was in a different mindset till now.

Red Reign is “supposedly” One Piece x Tower of God (in terms of being inspired) it’s not and I’m unsure where I am going with it. I still have time to get there, granted I have help and some guidance thanks to One Piece and Tower of God.

The thing that bugs me is that I stopped writing fanfiction decades ago, I loved writing fanfiction back then. I still have ideas that could work as fanfiction and as an original fiction. I just choose to put my brain through hell and rehash old novel ideas that never went anywhere because I got it all wrong.

What do you all think about this? Thoughts and feelings?



Update: I was in my teens when I did fanfiction, I stopped at some point towards the end of it to “do my own thing”

I loved writing it! I wished I could regain my love for that back! Because original fiction is so hard and energy zapping. I still want to write my own fiction, I just want my stories to be inspired by my favorite authors and mangaka and webcomic artists and etc.

You can go here to see where this thread spawned from and why I came to this conclusion.


I don’t regret skipping the whole thing. But that’s because I don’t necessarily like writing “to character” in other people’s stories.


That makes sense.

I just hate struggling with original ideas. Being a hardcore panster does not help because it is so ingrained into my nature.

So, you hate canon characters personally?

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No, I like them, but I kind of like them with a distance between us.



Do you think I am being silly though? I am a mixture of maybe overthinking and realizing I used to enjoy something then I stopped doing it.

I do love the worlds of One Piece and Tower of God, I like to think Alagossia is an example of that (that could be a wish-fulfillment). I also like to think what would Monkey D. Luffy or Twenty-fifth Baam along with the other characters do differently in Alagossia?

How would my own characters handle being in One Piece or Tower of God?

Food for thought.


If you’re having trouble with your current book, why not set it aside for now and write a fanfic mashup of One Piece and Tower of God? Then when it’s done, just rewrite it: change the names, locations, time period and whatever? Make it about Alagossia after it’s done. That’s how a lot of authors have written some of their books. ¯\_(ﭢ)_/¯


I wouldn’t say I am having trouble because I am enjoying the story, heavy on the world-building as I am. I just realized that most of my ideas are not just bizarre nonsense, but fanfiction that I never got the chance to write.

I wish I stuck with fanfiction then continued on even after doing original fiction inspired by my favorite famous stories and worlds.

That is both an exciting challenge that I am curious on how to even approach! Both of those things are HUGE in almost everything, but I got overwhelmed by that because if I take EVERYTHING write about it in a fanfiction, that will make me lose face.

One Piece manga is over 1000+ chapters long, while Tower of God is over 600+ chapters that are STILL GOING STRONG!

I need to figure out what are the important and interesting things about those that I can turn into a fanfiction that can become an original piece inspired by them.


@J.L.O and @Akje

It’s settled! I am going to do fanfiction on Wattpad as drafts first to later edit and revise into original fiction inspired by my favorite anime, manga, webtoons, video games, novels, television shows, and movies.

I have made my decision! I am going to go with this! I shall let you guys know something in another thread.

Thanks for commenting. :grin:



I might be struggling a bit. I don’t know if I should do a story focusing on how my OCs could handle being in the world of One Piece or Tower of God vs how the characters from One Piece and from Tower of God will do in Alagossia?

thinking about it

Screw it! I know what to do with the story! AU Isekai fanfiction involving some of the One Piece characters and some of the Tower of God characters all reborn as new characters placed in new situations on a planet unfamiliar to them.


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I come into this thread:
What’s going on with Qualesh…oh, she’s got advice—a-a-and she’s doing fine. Good :grin:

I’ve never had a fanfiction phase. I never even thought about it.

I actually think it’s awesome you can allow yourself to be creative with someone else’s work that you love. For me, if I love it, I don’t want to touch it :stuck_out_tongue:


Red Reign was meant to be inspired by One Piece and Tower of God.
I am in the first drafts of the story, so that will become more present through edits and revisions.

I struggle like crazy coming up with my own original ideas, bizarre or not. It’s been an interesting year in 2024. The only way I can somehow pull it off is if I do heavily inspired stories still set on Alagossia, while still making it my own.

I plan to do that with more stories in Alagossia, fanfiction or inspired by.