Honestly, I don’t mind romance to some extent, but I am crazy about it like a large majority of people who are. I can do without and be 100% fine. It’s nice to see people fall in love, I am just not actively searching for it and it’s not like I will die if I do not get it. Needing romance in my fiction is something that comes and goes, it NEVER stays. When it does come, it comes in various ways and it still never stays.
I don’t write romance not because I never experience it, I just write stories where I don’t need it to be a part of the plot or some subplot. There’s no room for it, I refuse to forsake a damn good plot for two people to fall in love with each other, when I don’t deem it necessary.
But, I want to grow as a writer, I want to do new things. I would love to write fantasy with some romance in it. I will NEVER WANT TO WRITE ROMANTIC FANTASY, even done in my own way.
I’ve thought about writing urban fantasy WITH SOME ROMANCE in it, but the two characters are already in a relationship not trying to be in one for the end to be will they or won’t they.
I do the same with mystery thrillers and horror.
The point I am getting at is yes I want to grow as a writer to do trial and error with some genres. I still want to write science-fantasy, yet I want to do some other genres too. I want to have a start, but I honestly worry that will doom me in the end.
I end up writing stories with romance in it, mystery thrillers, and some horror but never getting the chance to focus on science-fantasy as much. Unless, I figure out how to change that later on.
TL;DR: I want to publish other genres to make money to have time for getting better at the genre I want to publish.
I feel bad because people will call me a “sell-out” or “greedy”, when the truth is that I just want some money to help me out. I don’t give a damn about being famous, I mentally cannot handle fame. I just want to be at a point in my life when I am financially stable and get help myself mentally and physically.
So, take this anyway you want. Nothing has happened yet and I don’t know if it ever will…yet.
Thoughts and feelings?