If you had outdoor space, would you start a garden of flowers and/or veggies?

Well, would you or no? If no, what would be in your dream backyard?

Thoughts and feelings?



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Herb garden, because herbs are good fortune. Mint attracts money, for example.


Ooh, I am coming to your garden for some seasonings.


Awesome, they help you make friends, too!


True, true!

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Flowers. Veggies are hard work for little pay off


You can eat flowers, too.


I’d start a garden but I’d become neighbours with this guy and we’d start our own gardening cult together:

We would be world famous with our food, and then run to be joint prime ministers. We’d be able to pay for the people and run the government based off the earnings we made from the gardening cult.

Everyone would be converted to Gardeners.


I wouldn’t because I hate gardening, and it’s so much work. But if I had tons of money, I’d gladly pay for a gardener because gardens are so lovely to look at and wander through, and it would be great to have our own veggies fresh picked to eat every day. (ღ˘ᴗ˘ღ)


I will accept that answer as well.
Because I would do the very same…

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We have tried to have gardens so many times in the past and it has always failed because no one wants to do the consistent work to take care of them. So no, me and my black thumb would not want a garden. If I have land, I’d rather it be on a natural forest and just enjoy the greenery I don’t have to cultivate. Of course, having lived in a forest, that’s work too, but not as much. You just have to make a burn pile every spring and collect and get rid of any fallen or rotting wood that could potentially start a wild fire in the summer.


That’s one of my dream goals if I end up in a house with space for a veggie and flower garden

For now, I have about 8 potted plants + 2 succulents, none of which are vegetables (though I did grow lettuce once, with good results). Three of those are aloe veras, 2 coleus, one mint, a hibiscus, and the last of the oregano brujos (used to have more, but they became rather difficult to care for in such small spaces)

My dream garden would have tomatoes, bell peppers, maybe garlic, plus some cooking herbs like mint, recao, cilantro, basil, and oregano. Flowering plants like cosmos or even sunglowers would be great too! So long as it’s species that can live in a tropical climate


Oh, yeah.

My (future) lotto house includes a wild-flower lawn, or a mint lawn (no mowing required), several raised garden beds, a fence line of passion fruit, and a vegetable patch or three.

I would only have flowers and vegetables that repel wasps and hornets (and ants), and that attract bees and ‘friendly’ spiders. Golden Orb and Huntsman spiders for the win.* Magpies and Ravens are also welcome…Ibis and Bush Turkeys get the shovel…

I would also need a two-meter high and two-meter deep steel linked concrete perimeter fence. Australian weeds and ant colonies are very persistent.

*As a kid, I used to be scared of Black House spiders. I thought they were Black Widows and equally dangerous as Funnel Webs (nuke from orbit). But I recently discovered BH spiders are shy and chill chaps, and great pest control. Just don’t upset them. We used to have BH spiders infest the outer walls of our home in northern NSW. Some of those spiders were palm sized, and they could bite through gardening gloves.


i’d want trees and ferns and some herbal stuff like all-heal and mint. and wildflower bomb the rest because i don’t want to deal with grass lawn

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literally live on a farm where we do exactly this lol

But seriously, it’s a lot harder than it sounds :joy:


gasp You don’t count because you live on a farm. Cheater! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Nah, just kidding. LOL!

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Another herbal garden to travel too!

Watch out! Because you’re going to be concocting magical cure-alls pretty soon.


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I’m visiting your home for some plump tomatoes and basil so I can make some homemade pasta.



i’ll be a witch! trade me for a cure >:)

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