I'm still alive... ish

It’s been a while since I’ve visited here. Or worked on my books. I’ve been incredibly busy with school and work and very stressed with all the curve balls life keeps throwing at me. I promised myself I would start working on my third draft of Synthetic: Genesis with the new year, and here it is almost March without a single word being written towards that goal. I need to make time for writing, but it’s so hard, especially now that I have a boyfriend and girlfriend (poly relationship, not cheating, they are both fully aware of the other and consenting to the relationship) and they demand my time too. I’m not used to being pulled in so many different directions at once. It’s enough to make me dizzy. @_@

Any tips for managing time and making room for writing? Does anyone have any questions for me to answer about my book that might rekindle motivation for me by getting me interested again? Did anyone miss me? Anyone just want to chat?

Anyways. Just checking in to say I’m still alive, even if I’ve been running around like a chicken with its head cut off.


Good to see you, buddy!

I had plenty of stuff happen to me on my end. Glad to know you’re okay and all.

I have a story on Wattpad at the moment.

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I missed you! I miss everyone if they don’t post two or three times a day. Like Churro hasn’t posted two or three times today, so I miss Churro. (>‿◠):v:

Congrats on the relationship, and I hope it works out!

As for time, omg yesh, we all have that problem. The only thing working for me at the moment is a pledge to write a minimum of 100 words a day. That’s just a short paragraph, and even if they’re terrible sentences, at least you have more than you had yesterday. ¯\_(ﭢ)_/¯

As for your book, I can’t remember it, but I’m guessing from the title it’s sci-fi…? Have you made a cover yet? A mood board? A playlist? Sometimes when you do things around the writing, it gets you back into writing it again. Sometime back I made a list of things that help me get re-movitivated:

• reread your book from the beginning
• re-outline your book
• organize all notes
• make a book trailer
• collect inspirational images for a Pinterest board
• search font sites for free fonts for your cover
• write a blog post related to your book
• create a website about your books
• make a list of things you need to do to promote your book

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