In a parallel universe...

Real people are the fictional characters and the fictional characters are the real people.

Your response to this and parallel universes in general.
Let’s make it fun!

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Maybe I’m my favorite character’s favorite character too.

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That sounds cool.

Maybe I’m a fictional character, and I don’t know it yet… Or, is my fictional character really myself? Or that dude who walks his underfed doggo and looks like he also needs a good feeding and a wash? Or could it be the old lady from across the road who feeds the birds with breadcrumbs and has a stuffed cat in her window? Or could it be my old History teacher who is now probably dead, as he was ancient when I was thirteen (Quite a few years ago now!)…

Or is it someone here, something that I have picked up on and incorporated into a character?.. Who knows? It could be you!


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If my characters are writing my story, I hope it has cats in it.

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Maybe you are someone’s cat in their fiction…never know.

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I’m probably someone’s fox :wink:

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