I don’t care about the royal court in medieval times or dark ages or whatever, I only care about the royal courts in today’s society on Earth.
Why? Because even though the government system on Alagossia is somewhat the same on Earth, the titles are much and what people do is a bit different.
I just need some link and I can take it from there.
Thoughts and feelings?
Maybe start here…? ¯\_(ﭢ)_/¯
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Thanks so much.
I may have to get other monarchies here too for more help.
Again thank you.
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How does Jeffery Epstein fit into this?
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They are representatives of their nations, so they figurehead charities. They also run businesses. But the authority level is the issue:
It’s funny and a bit disappointing in hindsight.
On Alagossia monarchies are unlimited and elective.
I’m not a criminal, nor a law student, so I would not know of such matters…
All I know is of what such TV programs like Law and Order proclaims for the general viewing…
Sorry, can’t help here…
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