Hey, everyone!
New guy here. First post. Be gentle.
I’m a professional photographer—have been for over 40 years. If you Google my name, you’ll probably stumble across something that says I’m kind of a big deal in the pro photography world (or at least, I like to think so).
For nearly 35 years, I’ve been writing a novel. Well…sort of. More like thinking about writing a novel. It’s been fully outlined, plotted, and acted out…IN MY HEAD. Not a single word hit the page. Just me, imagining like a champ.
I’ve read a gazillion spy novels over the years, and every time I finish one, I think, I could totally do this! (Cue me laughing maniacally, followed by immediate procrastination.)
But guess what? After 35 years, I finally started writing. The concept? My main character is a secret agent whose cover is…wait for it…a professional photographer. Why? Because let’s face it, photographers are like wizards with cameras. A confident smile, a camera slung around your neck, and the magic words “I’m the photographer!” can get you into almost anywhere. Secure areas? VIP zones? Classified locations? No problem—you’re just here to make them look good!
It felt like the perfect cover for a spy.
If you’re curious to see what I’ve been working on and feel like offering a little constructive criticism (or a lot—I’m ready), check it out here: Double Exposure - Kirk Voclain - Wattpad
Thanks for letting me share my grand leap into the writing world. I appreciate having a place like this to get it all out.
Kirk Voclain