It's That Time Again - We're Looking for New Team Members!

Yeah the site is down right now - it will probably be back up by…

I wanna guess 2021-04-26T03:00:00Z -ish.


ok, thanks. I’ll check back then.


Looks like it’ll be tomorrow at this rate. Feel free to just pop a message over to @moderators with the answers to the appropriate questions below if you’re interested in a mod/mini role. If we have follow-up questions, we can ask. :slight_smile:

Moderator App Questions
  1. Are you 18+ or will you be 18 in the next 3 months?
  2. What timezone are you in?
  3. Are you bilingual? If, so, answer the questions below. If not, you can skip.

Language Questions

  1. How much experience with Discourse do you have?
  2. How much time can you devote per day to helping moderate? During what times (in your timezone) are you most likely to be available?
  3. What does teamwork look like to you?
  4. In your opinion, what are the duties of a moderator?
  5. A user on the forum has egregiously broken several Code of Conduct rules. Describe how you would handle the user.
  6. You’ve penalized a user via an official warning or a temporary ban. The user argues with you about the rules and/or the penalty you’ve given them. How do you handle the conversation?
  7. Michael has created a thread to give users tips on how to get more readers. Billy comments on the thread, says he’s tried all the tips, and he hasn’t gotten a single new reader. He continues by saying that Michael doesn’t know what he’s talking about and that his “tips” are garbage. How would you handle the situation?
  8. You have to send a response to Billy based on the last question. Write out how you would respond as if you were addressing Billy directly.
  9. Someone creates a “Wishing Well” request thread. Their post is the following: “Hi there I’m looking for Teen Fic romances to read! Fantasy Teen is okay. No LGBTQ+ please. No offense, it’s just not my thing.” What do you do?
  10. A historically problematic user opens a new thread that could very quickly become controversial. What do you do?
  11. If you were unsure of what action to take as a mod, what would you do?
  12. If you disagree with the action that another mod has taken against a user, what would you do?
  13. **Assume for a moment that you are a moderator and you have a personal problem with a forum user from before you became a mod. Select from the choices below (you must select at least 1 option besides “other”). Put an ‘x’ between the brackets, like so: [x]


  1. What would you do if the team requested your help on a pre-approved and scheduled day you were supposed to be unavailable? (mental health day, self-care day, prior engagements)
  2. If you could mod any particular category on the Wacky Writers forums, which would it be?
  3. What skillset do you have that you think would differentiate yourself from other moderator applicants (this doesn’t necessarily have to be moderator-skill specific)?
  4. Is there anything else you think we should know?
Mini Mod App Questions

How old are you?

Why are you interested in becoming a “mini mod?”

What does teamwork look like to you?

What skillset do you have that you think would differentiate yourself from other moderator applicants (this doesn’t necessarily have to be moderator-skill specific)?

Anything ARG-related will have to wait until tomorrow, I’m afraid.


The moderator application forms are back up.

I’m currently evaluating the interest in a new ARG and will come back to those. Please DM me (or comment here) if you’re interested in participating.


I would love to participate again!

Seeing this just now and YES, I need my boo back! :joy:

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I haven’t been very active around here but I’d definitely be interested in another ARG ^^


I know I haven’t been very communicative about a new ARG, but I do want to do another one. :blush:

I’ve got a couple other things I’m working on right now but I’m hoping to get one started before the end of the summer.


Oh, cool!

Thanks for making the form and putting the effort into it, but I think that I think you mixed up the age part of the form and the other parts? It has too much space here, and the other parts don’t have enough space in the form.


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When I have time I’ll take a look

