Just talk: I read 20 books!

lol, yep, 850. That was Perdido Street Station.

I actually did “read” an audio book making the count 21 and not 20. I’d forgotten about it because I don’t have the physical copy. Project Hail Mary was my first ever try at audio books and I honestly don’t know if any other audio book can ever top that one. It was perfect as an audio book. Maybe even better because of the sounds they gave the creatures.

Thanks :grin:

What will you be reading? And are you a mood reader or can you just pick up the next book on your TBR and read and enjoy it?

I’m currently following back everyone I recognize :wink:

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I think I read something about Osiris years ago actually, since the story on Wikipedia sounds familiar. I used to be really into Egyptian myths, but lost interest sometime back. I think I’m pretty much done with mythology of all sorts now, although I do intend to read Song of Achilles in 2023. ¯\_(ﭢ)_/¯

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Yup! I know, everyone loves it but I just hated it, although I liked enough to finish it since I was curious about how it would end.


Btw I just started Less, which is a Kindle daily deal today, and so far it’s pretty good! If you like gay romance you might check it out. (*^-‘) 乃



Everyone? I’ve seen plenty people say they didn’t like it. I didn’t understand it :stuck_out_tongue: Idk if I hated it or not, but I remember just not getting it at all. I know there’s some kind of profound meaning in there…some…where…

But the ending just… and it dragged so much.


Is it smart ass lit fic?


Yes, it dragged for me too! There’s just no conflict since he’s a mary sue, 'cause if there’s something you really want, the universe will conspire to give it to you. We all know that. Argh. (♯ᴖ.ლ)


Hmmm…good question. I dunno what your definition of smartass lit is, but I myself was sucked into buying it from the LookInside feature. I’d check that out, and if it doesn’t interest you, you’re saving money for something better by giving it a pass, especially since it’s a series. ¯\_(ﭢ)_/¯


He’s kind if Jesus-y

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I will look when I get home but the whole “beautiful writing” tag is throwing me off lol. So is the Pulitzer Prise part. Seems like it is overcompensating for something so far. :flushed:


Overcompensating for a lack of a good story?


Yeah if someone is over advertised positively I get really suspicious. Like when people big themselves up in Kaiji. Overcompensation.



At least we have Kaiji, though he must have been some sort of mass-murdering psycho in his past life because the universe seems to hate him without remorse.


Do you have a link to this Kaiji? I’m assuming it’s an online manga, but I’ve never seen it although everyone keeps talking about it.


Haha yeah! He’s good entertainment though.

The one thing Less has going for it is that it’s basically predicted my future thus far:


I don’t, unless you can read Brazilian Portuguese, French, and Russian. Pirating the whole manga series is harder than it may seem because only the second arc appears to have been scanlated in English fully. Unfortunately, you will have to buy the series, or just watch the anime. But trust me, it is worth the trouble.

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Didn’t know robots and TikTok alt girlies had similar dreams :wink:


Well, usually they would have more pop-culture references and be interrupted by a ridiculous informercial


Can vouch for Less. It’s the one book I go out of my way to sell at the shop. Well… that and everything by Sarah Waters and The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida.


If I don’t like Less, can I burn it and send you the video? :flushed:

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