Since I have been pestering people to read/watch this series for a while, I figured that I might as well show you what it is like.
You guys need to see this. It is mandatory.
Since I have been pestering people to read/watch this series for a while, I figured that I might as well show you what it is like.
You guys need to see this. It is mandatory.
Are you people ready for more?
Yes, Kaiji is mentally ill. I don’t know with what, exactly, but I have some guesses.
I’d say with gambling addiction, for starters! (>‿◠)
I read the full synopsis on Wikipedia, and it’s definitely not for me, although I can see why other people like it. I take it there are no women in this whole story? It seems to be about a bunch of crazy men running away from loan sharks and losing body parts in games of chance. Like an extended version of that Roald Dahl story where that guy has to chop off a finger every time he loses a bet. Argh. (♯^.^ღ)
Believe it or not, Kaiji Ito is the greatest ADHD representation I’ve ever seen.
The manga-ka also gave us Zero Panic, which is like Daganropa except it makes more sense.
There are minor female characters…but prepare your eyeballs, they are hideous.
How did you find my selfie?
I’m about to post more soon. Get ready.
What is this unhinged behaviour
Welcome to the wonderful world of Nobuyuki Fukumoto! I hope you enjoy your stay!
Are you ready for the gratuitous references to prostitution?
Omg nooooes! (უ‸ლ)
I don’t have any other words either. I hope Funai is wrong.
Its the first thing that comes to mind.
Are you ready for more, everybody?
Um…suuuure… (⊙.⊙(-̶●̃ₒ●̶̃)⊙.⊙)
Well, if you want to be traumatized even more, I can set up a watch party for everyone sometime.
What’s a watch party? Like watching anime?