Let's talk money, fictional money???

What is currency like in your fictional world? Is it based on real world currency or it is something entirely fictional?

Does the money come in paper, coins, digital, or all the above?

What is the name of your currency? Is it a global currency or a national one?

Thoughts and feelings?



Come gather here!

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Moolah, it is a cryptocurrency.

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Really? LOL!

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Mine use magic glowy death crystals called Lux


Cryptocurrency being adopted at a nation-wide scale has some interesting implications for the future, to say the least.

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Ooh! Do tell me more?!


Quick question:

Are you currently working on a story that is of your own creation?

Nothing fanfiction related!?

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I have a slight idea

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Wanna share?

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How about no?

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Lux looks like red glowing crystals that are scavenged from beneath the sand in the desert in my story. It’s used as a light source (because there’s no sun), can power electronics and fuel transportation, and is melted down to coat weaponry, so it makes for very good trading.

And no one knows what exactly lux is and where it comes from ¯_(ツ)_/¯

It’s made of people. :shushing_face:

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Your favorite fictional currency in anime and/or manga is?

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I wanted to say something in regard to Pokemon that is off topic.

I don’t know if you want your childhood ruined by me, then again you might not care.

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Nothing you can say is worse than my own imagination. Didn’t you see what I posted earlier today?

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Think about it, can your honestly say that every human being in the Pokemon universe is a vegan/vegetarian?

Be honest with me, where does the meat come from? Where?

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That makes it SOO much more horrifying in some odd way…

You would try to deny it! LOL!

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Money in my stories is more referred to in the background instead of actually explained. It’s kind of like real world currency (coins and cards, not sure about notes yet). I haven’t fully developed it as it’s yet to ‘properly’ come up in the pain plot. But the general idea is this:

  • Bronze (singles)
  • Silver (tens)
  • Gold (fifties)
  • Diamond (hundreds)
  • Platinum (thousands)

e.g., 2 platinum = $2000, 1 silver and 2 bronze = $12, 2 golds = 1 diamond = $100

But yeah, it’s not something fully explored yet