Hi I just finished a story of my a few months ago and it’s in it’s editing stage now. I’m looking for a Beta Reader to help me see if it needs anymore work and to give me some honest feedback. Can anyone help me?
Hi. It looks like you do this as a profession and I don’t have a way to pay rn
Ok. I hope you understand I’m a little apprehensive. I can tell by looking at the website, you do this as a profession, but I can’t find your profile when I try to look up you user. Did you spell it correctly?
Try this one @malmeidaed on Fiverr
Hey folks Friendly reminder that in this category you may offer free advice and and services only. Any paid services, especially self-promos, must be posted in the appropriate category.
On that note, maybe more details on what your work is about, what kind of feedback you’re looking for, and what you would be able/willing to offer in exchange, might help people decide whether they can help
Thank you. I think about that
Thank you for your offer. I think I’ll keep looking though. I don’t have a way to pay you and my story is my baby so it makes me apprehensive. I hope you understand. Again, thank you.