music recommendations

I’m mostly into rock, but I like a lot of songs in different genres.

There are a lot of songs I like, so any list I make would be pretty long unless I narrow it down some.

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Ok I love pretty much everything you mentioned, except you left out my second fave after SIO, Waterparks XD
I know this is an old post, but I’ve been looking for a thread like this and once I found it, I had to respond lol.

Tbh, I love NSP humor, it’s perfect for the comedy that they do. But I do agree that Shadow Academy has more substance lol. However, NSP’s covers are really good imo. I still haven’t heard anything from Starbomb though.

Holy crap this IS an old post.
I could’ve sworn this site got taken down lol

I’m surprised Zadera isn’t on my list though, I know I listened to them more than two years ago :confused:

I did rediscover Volbeat recently though. I listened to them all the time when I was younger, and then forgot the name of the band.

I’ll have to check out Waterparks if they’re anything like Set it Off.

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Lol yeah. And yeah from what it looks like, the WW writing site did get taken down, but not this one (I’m new).

Idk Zadera, that’s one I’ll have to check them out!

Ooh yeah Volbeat is really cool. One of my friends showed me them around 2017-2018 and I’ve loved them ever since. I even got my mom into them XD

Ugh Waterparks is amazing. As for whether they’re like SIO- I mean they both started out in the pop punk area. As of right now though, they’re both alt-rock-ish maybe? They’re both indie now too, so that’s interesting lol. Ig out of the two, Waterparks has stuck more to pop-punk roots, although they are far from only pop-punk anymore for sure. I love them both though~

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Dang, WW really is gone then :confused: I’m not old but I feel like it sometimes lol
I’ve seen so many sites like this come and go.

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takes a breath Whew! Ok these are all of the ones I like, really know from who you mentioned. I’ve heard of pretty much everyone in your list, but these are ones I know more from or actually listen to:

Tbh, it kinda surprises me that you know some of these, they’re a lil obscure lol. Like NSP, Shadow Academy, Ashes Remain, Halflives? That’s so cool ^u^


Yeah lol I feel that. And I’m kinda going thru that w/ the NaNoWriMo forum site, the mods recently shut down communication there and it’s just not the same anymore tbh :confused:

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LOL I didn’t realize Ashes Remain was obscure! Dogstar I thought would’ve surprised you more, at least of the ones on my initial list haha!


same site, same people, WW did not get taken down. There’s an (ongoing) issue with the finances, it’s expensive to keep this domain up and until last year one person was footing the bill but can no longer afford to. If you want to read more about it or donate you can find more information under the Important Information heading.

WW did run into some issues functioning, I believe as a result of updates. But those were resolved. It’s still the same site.


Well dang, I’m sorry to hear it’s still struggling :frowning:
If I were in a better position to help I would, I’d hate to see another good site go down for good.


Well I meant the site where you could post works. I read about issues with funding for both that site and this forum, which seems to be the original WW site, only for chatting. The WIP site came later, but eventually got taken down from what I saw. I even went to a couple users’ profiles that supposedly led to their works on, but both didn’t go anywhere, so that also made me think the main site got taken down. Either way, I’m glad this one’s still here! :slight_smile:


I mean I don’t think most ppl know Christian rock bands tbh XD Funny story, I actually only know them by accident! I was adding music to my Saved Songs on Spotify a long time ago and I accidentally added “Right Here” from the Suggested area, and once I realized, I was like “should I take it off?” then I decided “nah I’m just going to try listening to it and see if it’s good” lol and I ended up liking it! Then I checked out more of their stuff, and I liked more songs. My ultimate fave is Captain <3

I only know Dogstar bc my sis likes Keanu XD but yeah that is surprising too tbh. Fireflight is another one, I don’t even think they’re around anymore or they just aren’t as popular lol. Also Sabaton… I actually know them from the same person that introduced me to Volbeat at the same time, but I only liked Volbeat haha. Coincidentally the same person who got me into NSP XD


You seem like you’ve got some great people introducing you to some great music lol

If I could be so bold as to introduce one more into our ever growing list of musicians to keep track of–
I’ve actually started messing around with making some music of my own since I original posted my list here 2 years ago.

Nothing spectacular and definitely not on the level of all the greats we’ve talked about, but I wouldn’t be doing this stuff without a lot of those bands.

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Ah, I see where the confusion came from! I forgot the WIP site even existed.

Skillet, Flyleaf, and Ashes Remain all have popular songs in the emo/punk scene. Personally I found Ashes Remain through a nightcore rock playlist.


Oh god, Nightcore lol

That IS how I found Red though…


Yeah they’re all awesome! Personally I wouldn’t call them emo/punk/pop punk though, more like hard rock. Ashes Remain I would even say borders on country at times lol.

Ahhhh nightcore… SIO’s Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing was pretty popular there tbh. I’ve never been into nightcore honestly, or daycore for that matter. But to each their own Ig lol-
What song did you listen to first from AR?

I found Red through this amazing hard rock channel on my TV, where I still find gems to this day. Most of what they play I already know anyway from other people, but sometimes they play completely new stuff that I end up loving. I only know Already Over and Breathe into Me from Red, but I love them. I’ve been wanting to get more into them soon.

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I don’t know what Daycore is, but I’m gonna assume it’s that “slowed with reverb nonsense” lol
Nightcore was only ever good for one thing though: fixing the Youtube recommends.
You listen to an actual band, and it’ll only promote more from that one band, or “the popular music of today whether you like it or not”
But Nightcore at least meant the recommendations were from other nightcore channels, which meant you had a WIDE variety of new music to choose from.
Otherwise, yeah, nightcore never sounded good :confused:

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Yeah haha.

Ooh I’m always up for new music! That’s so cool, I’ve been wanting to put my own music out for a while tbh, I’m kinda trying to work w/ a producer right now to do that, and I already have one ready, but I wanna wait until I have others to go with it. There’s another one I made with a different producer that’s also ready, but- same reasoning lol. The best thing I have to show right now is a song that features my lyrics the whole time XD

It’s kinda a bizarre song but it was based on a prompt so XD
You should try going on this site I found a while back, It’s like, a haven for songwriters imo. That’s where I found the producers and the guy who used my lyrics (which, fun fact, was from the very first song I posted on FAWM and he technically waited to ask until he had already done it lol, but he still gave me credit so I said it was fine. Oh for reference, the prompt was “I wish I was…” lol.

Anyway can you possibly send me an .mp3 of your song on here? I have this thing on my computer that blocks sites at times, so it won’t let me go into the video.

Yep, you’d assume right XD But yeah true, it was good for that if nothing else. It did start a trend though, to the point where now actual artists have made nightcore versions of their songs for the fans. I saw that SIO had released a slowed/reverb version of Skeleton and I listened to it purely to see if it was any good (bc like it’s still SIO lol) but I just couldn’t get into it tbh.

Unfortunately, due to a flashdrive crash, I no longer have the MP3s of my music :frowning: At least not most of them. Carnival for Mary is the only one I have left.

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