Nyctophilia; a coding thread (new/old coders are encouraged to join!)

꧁ ꧂
When/how did you get into coding?

When I began interacting on the forums more (before, I didn’t have that much time to be around my computer but then quarantine lol)
I began noticing people having these really nicely designed posts. And being the sucker that I was for pretty/aethetically pleasing things, I wanted to learn as well~

Why do you code?

As a way to get my mind off things in real life. I’ve found that with coding, it requires all of my undivided attention, which in turn keeps me from thinking of other thoughts. Plus, when the code is a success, it’s like “Oh wow, I did that? I guess I did. insert tons of celebratory cheers.

What are some struggles as a coder?

For me personally, there are two: the details (semi colons, hyphens, etc) and the “language” (span, border-radius, etc / mostly the language part of it). When going over it, I have to squint (for concentration purposes haha) and then read everything robotically out loud for me to sort out what each piece does (and then in the midst of it, things in my mind get mixed up quite frequently so I’d have to start again).
꧁ ꧂

<div align=center>

<span style="font-size: 15px; display: block; color: #ffffff; background-color: #dbe4ed; background-position: ; background-repeat:no-repeat; width: 500px; height: 250px; box-shadow: 8px 10px 7px #a3bad2; overflow-y:scroll;text-shadow: 5px 3px 9px #112236; padding: 10px; border:; font-family: serif, garamond; border-radius: 3px">꧁ ꧂
**When/how did you get into coding?**
<span style="font-size: 15px;text-shadow: 5px 3px 9px #112236; font-family: serif, garamond; border-radius: 5px">
When I began interacting on the forums more (before, I didn't have that much time to be around my computer but then quarantine lol)</span> I began noticing people having these really nicely designed posts. And being the sucker that I was for pretty/aethetically pleasing things, I wanted to learn as well~
<span style="font-size: 15px;text-shadow: 5px 3px 9px #112236; font-family: serif, garamond; border-radius: 5px"> 
**Why do you code?**
<span style="font-size: 15px;text-shadow: 5px 3px 9px #112236; font-family: serif, garamond; border-radius: 5px"> 
As a way to get my mind off things in real life. I've found that with coding, it requires all of my undivided attention, which in turn keeps me from thinking of other thoughts. Plus, when the code is a success, it's like "Oh wow, I did that? I guess I did. *insert tons of celebratory cheers.*"
<span style="font-size: 15px;text-shadow: 5px 3px 9px #112236; font-family: serif, garamond; border-radius: 5px">
**What are some struggles as a coder?**
<span style="font-size: 15px;text-shadow: 5px 3px 9px #112236; font-family: serif, garamond; border-radius: 5px">
For me personally, there are two: the details (semi colons, hyphens, etc) and the "language" (span, border-radius, etc / mostly the language part of it). When going over it, I have to squint (for concentration purposes haha) and then read everything robotically out loud for me to sort out what each piece does (and then in the midst of it, things in my mind get mixed up quite frequently so I'd have to start again).
꧁ ꧂

:balance_scale: coded by a friendly Libra (aka Zena) :balance_scale:

<div align=center>

<span style="font-size: 12px; display: block; margin: 3px; font-family: garamond; center; letter-spacing: 1.45px;">  ⚖<i> coded by a friendly Libra (aka Zena)</i> ⚖</span>

Same! That’s how I found WP in the summer of 2020 and sadly the forums closed until I got here:)

Oh, that’s interesting, I’m more of the memorization type or I have a Google docs of codes so I can just copy and paste things XD Learning html will get easier! Keep practicing, it’s looking good already!


woahhh that’s around the same time I discovered WP as well- :eyes:

ooooh :eyes: the codes also work in Google Docs?
Thank you!! :grin:


Nope, but I use it to save codes in the case that I lose them somehow (or just to look back:)


This text is being tested.


<span style="font-size:12pt; display: block; border: 5px groove aqua; padding: 12px 25px 12px 25px; border-radius: 10px; background: purple; font-family: Garamond, serif; color: white;">This text is being tested.</span>

Trying something out.
how do you get raw code to display without letting it work as html.... and how do you get characters to display in html
raw code
<div align=center><span style="font-size: 15pt; display: block; background: lavender; font-family: Titania; color: black; ">Trying something out.</span>
<div align=center><span style="font-size: 10pt; display: block; background: lavender; font-family: Goldoni; color: black;"> how do you get raw code to display without letting it work as html.... and how do you get characters to display in html</span>

Use [CODE] [/CODE] Around the HTML


<div align=center>

Got it!! thanks! @TheMidnightAssassin @48lexR

(why are your names not tagging?!)

  <div align="center"><span style="font-size: 13pt; display: block; font-family: Goldoni; color: pink">Got it!!
thanks! </span>
@TheMidnightAssassin @48lexR 

<span style="font-size: 9pt; color: pink; font-family: goldoni">(why are your names not tagging?!)</span>

YESSS we had it too, very early. But I’ve forgotten all of it, sadly. Now I’m relearning coding sites, and I’m using skillshare. It’s pretty fun!


You would have to do it on another line, different type of codes don’t work unless you separate them:)

<div align="center"><span style="font-size: 13pt; display: block; font-family: Goldoni; color: pink">Got it!!
thanks! </span>

@TheMidnightAssassin @48lexR 

<span style="font-size: 9pt; color: pink; font-family: goldoni">(why are your names not tagging?!)</span>

It would work now ^^

And no problem!


Ah alright thanks!


Q @TheMidnightAssassin: What’re the differences in uses between <div> and <span>?


If I remember correctly, <div> is for a section while <span> is for a single line.

This link can help.




I’m testing <div> for the first time. Is it working?

I’m testing <div> for the first time. Is it working?

I’m testing <div> for the first time. Is it working?

⭐︎ ✧ coded by stella_vigo ✧ ⭐︎

raw code
<div align="center">

<span style="font-size: 12px; font-family: Garamond; display: block; background-color: #801212; color: #ffefef; padding: 10px; margin-left: 20%; margin-right: 20%;">I'm testing `<div>` for the first time. Is it working?</span>

<div align="left">

<span style="font-size: 12px; font-family: Garamond; display: block; background-color: #801212; color: #ffefef; padding: 10px; margin-left: 20%; margin-right: 20%;">I'm testing `<div>` for the first time. Is it working?</span>


<div align="right">

<span style="font-size: 12px; font-family: Garamond; display: block; background-color: #801212; color: #ffefef; padding: 10px; margin-left: 20%; margin-right: 20%;">I'm testing `<div>` for the first time. Is it working?</span>




<span style="font-size: 12px; font-family: Garamond; display: block; margin: auto; text-align: center; color: #e08080; letter-spacing: 1.2px;">`⭐︎` ✧ coded by stella_vigo ✧ `⭐︎`</span>

Pfft how do I do the multiple boxes on one line again?


I used the flex box like this:

<span style="font-size: 50px; font-family: Garamond; display: flex; border: 3px transparent; color: #ffffff; padding: 12px; margin-left: 5%; margin-right: 5%; text-align: center; background-image: url(''); background-size: cover; background-position: top;"><span style="font-size: 15px; font-family: Garamond; display: inline-block; border: 3px solid; color: #ef6060; padding: 10px; background-color: white; margin-left: 10%; margin-top: 10%; margin-bottom: 10%; text-align: center; width: 35%; line-height: 1.5; height: 120px; overflow-y: scroll">**playlist**<br>
insert link
insert link
insert link</span><span style="font-size: 15px; font-family: Garamond; display: inline-block; border: 3px solid; padding: 10px; margin-left: 10%; background-color: white; margin-bottom: 10%; border-color: #F17978; margin-top: 10%; margin-right: 10%; text-align: center; color: #F17978; height: 120px; width: 35%; overflow-y: scroll; line-height: 1.5;">**taglist**<br>
insert some random
usernames here

The result is like this:

So the main span is display: flex and the two sub spans are display: inline-block


Ahh it worked! Thank you :blush:

Me code this
 <div align="center"> <span style="font-size:; display: block; border: 1px solid invisible; border-radius: 5px; background: aquamarine; padding: 12px 12px 12px 12px; font-family: Times New Roman, serif"> <span style="font-size: 25pt">Bibliotecha Legis</span> </span></div>

<div align="left"><span style="font-size:; display: flex"><span style="font-size:12pt; display: inline-block; margin: auto; border: 1px solid invisible; border-radius: 5px; padding: 2px; background: navy; color: white;"> Welcome to Lex's Library! I'll be doing read-for-reads per your request. I can do more serious read-for-reads, also. Please fill out the form completely, and wait for your acceptance before you begin reading! The password is: <em>Lex maris, mei liber lege.</em> The book I'd like you to read (once you're accepted) is <a href="">Meiste</a>. I am willing to go up to five chapters.</span>

<span style="font-size:; display: inline-block;  border: 2px solid black; margin: 5px 5px 5px 5px;"> ``` Username: <br> Book Title: <br> Blurb/Summary: </br> Type of Feedback (Serious/Casual): <br> Amount of Chapters you would like me to read: <br> Password: <br> Any other comments?:``` </span></div>

<div align="center"> <span style="font-size:12px; border: 2px solid black; display: block;"> <span style="font-size:15px">Blurb and Logline of Meiste:</span><br> <strong> Logline: </strong> Join Eheste Lozerief–Hero of Earth–and the other six Heroes as they unlock the secrets of Meiste and themselves together. Though they fail over and over again, nothing will stop their courageous determination… right?<br> <br><strong> Blurb:</strong> Eheste Lozerief–the Hero of Earth–is no stranger to failure. Since the Hero of Life’s death, she’s tried countless times to explain how magic works, but she always winds up with more questions than answers. That was true until she met In Iziser, the King of Zeneste and Hero of Cognition. Together, Lozerief, Iziser, Taguchif (Hero of Doom), and Hotautebz (Hero of Mind) all work together to uncover the mysteries behind the Magic of Meiste: what happened when the Hero of Life died? 
</span> </div>
